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You go to inarizaki high with the miya twins cause they are your older brothers. They got you into volleyball and eventually you became and ace for your schools vb team.
It was time for nationals so the qualifiers had begun. Your team was going against itachiyama's vb team.
The day of the match :
The boys of your school along with your brothers came to cheer you on. It seemed like itachiyama also had some members come and cheer for their team.
Match begins :
You played as usual and finally after 3 sets, your team won. You were very happy.
Sakusa's pov:
'Inarizaki's no.3 is the ace huh' i thought as i saw her h/c-ed head jump in joy as they won. She plays really well im not even upset that we lost.
Your pov:
As we were all happy that we won i saw my brothers talk to someone from itachiyama i ran towards them and hugged both of them.
'Y/n you won , you played so well!!'atsumu said being excited.
'Btw this is sakusa he is from itachiyama' osama introduced you to sakusa.
'Hello im sakusa kiyoomi' he said while he removed his mask revealing his beautiful face.
'Hello im y/n' you said smiling.
'Wait arent you THE sakusa kiyoomi who is one of the top 3 ace of japan??' you asked being all shocked.
'Yes' he said while looking at you.
'You played very well , your team deserved the win' he praised you.
'THANK YOU' you screamed and bowed in front of him.
'Um.. maybe we can meet up sometime and play volleyball cause we're both aces of our team' he said awkwardly you noticed he wasnt very social but he made an effort to talk to you so you were overjoyed.
'Yes.. i would like that' you blushed and smiled.
You exchanged numbers and parted ways.
3 days later:
Sakusa texted you:
'Hi y/n'
'Hiiii' you replied.
'so um we have a match on sunday can you make it?' he asked.
'Yes sure, im looking forward to see you play' you replied.
'im looking forward to see you' he replied.
' HE INVITED ME YAYY' you jumped around and suddenly osamu and atsumu came and asked you if you're okay.
'Bro i think i like.. sakusa.. um..' you said being flustered. Since you shared everything to your brothers you told them.
'Ehh you like omi-kun?' atsumu asked wide-eyed.
'Y-Yes..' you said being a little shy.
'Go for it we're always here for you and we'll support you.' Osamu said and patted your back.
Match day:
You reached the stadium where sakusa's match was to be held. You reached a little late so the match almost started when you reached. When you reached you waved at sakusa and he gave you a soft smile and waved back.
The match started and as you watched sakusa play you saw why he was known as the top 3 ace. He play soo good like you started to admire him and idolize him as a fellow ace. Your eyes didnt leave him and in a flash the match was over. Sakusa parted with his team after changing and came towards you.
'Omi - kun you played so goodd!!!! also is it ok if i called you omi-kun? atsumu calls you that so i figured it was ok' instant regretting what you just asked him.
'Sure its okay' he said while putting his mask back on.
'Y/n do you wanna get out of here and go somewhere else its really crowded and i feel uncomfortable.
You nodded and both of you got out of the stadium.

When you got out sakusa suggested to go to a cafe to avoid any unnecessary crowd and people. You agreed and both of you headed towards to your favorite cafe.
'Oh what a lovely couple we have here!' the waiter welcomed you and sakusa.
'um we're not d-dating..' you blushed alot and went towards your seat and ordered your respective drinks.
You and sakusa talked alot well it was mostly you who kept on ranting while sakusa looked at you with shine in his eyes.
Sakusa's pov:
'She talks alot but she looks adorable when she is talking' i thought to myself as she kept on talking about her favorite things.
Your pov:
Sakusa tried his best and you got to know him alot better. He told you about his anxiety and how much he doesnt like crowds and being social. You appreciated that he really tried to tell you about himself.
It was time to go home and sakusa suggested to walk you home so you agreed. It started raining midway so you rushed to his house first since it was closer. When you reached there sakusa suggested that you stay the night.
'My parents are out of town so you can stay over if you like..' he said avoiding eye contact. You agreed and called osamu to inform him. He told you to shower first.
'Yahh omi-kun i dont have clothess!' you said being frustrated.
'Y-you can wear mine ...' he said blushing a little. You agreed and went to shower. You came out in his tshirt which was a little too big on you and a pair of sakusa's smallest shorts.
'cute...' sakusa mumbled out mistakely. You heard him but brushed it away blushing. After he took a shower you asked him where the kitchen was. 'Omi-kun i'll make some ramen for you and me' you said while walking towards the kitchen. Suddenly your stumbled over something and were about to fall but then sakusa caught you and protected the back of your head, both of you fell with him on top and you under him ( wkwkw sounds weird but you get it right-) .
'T-thank you...for saving me..' you said blushing and avoiding eye contact. He then suddenly cupped your one cheek and slowly leaned into kiss you. You hesitated at first but slowly melted into the kiss. You both parted for air. 'S-sorry y/n i-' he was cut off by you pulling his shirt down and kissing him again. 'I- i like you... its been only days since we met but i feel i connect you more than anyone' sakusa said blushing. 'I like you too omi-kun' you said smiling. Both if you got up and went to bed and watched some movies as you fell asleep in sakusa's arms.
When you told your brothers they were actually shocked that sakusa confessed first cause he isn't social at all. Sakusa comes over to your place as your brothers don't mind. Y'all go to quiet places for dates as it is calming and less disturbing. Sakusa is such a needy baby around you. He needs hugs and kisses all the time (surprisingly).

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