aone takanobu - favorite drink(fluff)

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you were seen as the sunshine of the school. best known for your smile and looks. you could always light up a room with just your mere presence.

you were walking down the hall to go to your classroom when you saw that your favorite drink was in a vending machine.

looking in your bag for some money, you saw that there was no money in your bag. sighing you turned back down the hallway.

little did you know that someone was watching you. aone takanobu, the gentle giant, was also walking down the hallway. he saw your little pout when you didnt get your drink.

you and aone are good friends. you were both in the same class and seat mates and a friendship quickly blossomed.

you were the mostly the person to start the conversation and usually the one to talk. aone was more of a listener than a talker, but when he did talk, you were sure to give him your full attention.

lots of people questioned how you got aone to talk at all. they all saw him as a icy giant and you as a ray of sunshine. two opposites becoming friends. you never noticed this of course and aone was too caught up in your trance to care.

aone decided to surprise you. he bought your favorite drink from the machine and walked to class.

when he did walk in, he saw you talking to Futakuchi. a little spark went of inside him when he saw you smile. that eye smile and small laugh you always give never fails to warm his heart.

when you saw him and quickly waved at him. he silently went to sit down next to you.

"aone! good morning! how are you?" you cheerfully asked.

he blush a bit and held up a thumbs up. you giggled at him and continued to talk to Futakuchi.

he watched you, taking in your beauty. the way you smiled, talked, laughed, even the way you sometimes brush your hair back, everything seemed so ethereal to him.

as your homeroom teacher walked in and futakuchi went to his seat, he asked you something.

"y/n, can you and I have lunch together?" he lowly asked in his low voice.

"of course we can! I will meet you at the garden by the cherry blossom tree, okay?" you said, giving him an eye smile.


the whole entire class period, aone could not keep his eyes off you. even the teacher noticed (but of course he didn't say anything).

as lunch came closer and closer he grew more nervous. he was more stiff and didn't blink as much.

when it was lunch though, you walked over to aone and grabbed his large hand in your small hands. your scent of flowers filled his nose.

"I know I said I would wait for you, but I can't! let's go together."

you two walked hand and hand to the garden through the hallway. everyone saw the two opposites walking, surprising everyone.

aone blush deeply as you walked.

once you reached the garden, aone pulled out his lunch and so did you. a comfortable silence fell between you. taking in the scenery, you sighed. aone nervously looked at the drink he would give you. he debated if should even give it to you.

what if would ruin the mood? what if you already had a drink? what if he got the wrong one?

all these thoughts flew into his mind. aone stopped eating and you noticed.

"are you okay? you seem on edge today. is everything okay? do you want to sit somewhere else?" you asked.

aone shook his head and grabbed the drink.

"I noticed that you didnt get your drink this morning, so I bought one for you." he said, looking down and handing it to you.

you gasped at his generosity and quickly grabbed the drink. you set it down and gave him a huge bear hug.

not expecting a hug, the two of you fell down to the ground. you were on top of aone, handing on his chest and aone's hands on your waist and head.

you giggled at him seeing his red face.

"sorry. I just got a little excited." you said, getting off of him and help him up.

"its fine." he said, standing up again.

once the two of you brushed off all the dust and fixed your uniform, you gave him another hug, careful to not knock him over.

you wrapped your small arms around him, face first into his chest.

"thank you." you mumbled into his chest.

returning the hug, aone cradled your small body and rocked back and forth.

"I love you." he said.

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