tsukishima - jealousy (fluff)

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you sat in the desk behind yamaguchi and tsukishima during lunch. you quietly ate, listening to their conversation.

after hearing a certain topic from yamaguchi, you join in quickly. you talk your mouth off, making tsukishima and yamaguchi laugh.

the only reason you were friends with the duo was that you all grew up together. tsukishima living right across from your house and yamaguchi living two houses down.

you were like a little sister to them. they always noticed how quiet you were when you first meet them, but soon warmed up to them. you had a wonderful sense of humor, making anyone laugh.

but you are absolutely terrible at talking to new people. you turn quiet and awkward, usually feeling uncomfortable.

tsukishima took in your face. the way you laughed was breathtaking. he could look at it all day.

tsukishima had a fondness to you. not that you knew, but he adored you. everything you did had him silently panicked at his heart pounding.

"y/n, you're coming to practice today, right?" yamaguchi asked.

you nodded shoving a big spoonful of rice in your mouth. tsukishima tsked at you.

"show up early, kiyoko said she need a lot of help to set up for the practice match." he said, smirk a little bit, but not enough for you to catch it.

"okay, tsuki!" you said, perking up a bit.

inside, tsukishima was screaming. everytime you called him that, he could melt into a puddle.

yamaguchi smiled, quickly turning to tsukishima to glare at him. he waited for you to go back to your food to talk to him.

"dont tell her that! aoba johsai is going to be there to warm up before us." he whispered, worried.

tsukishima smirked again and pushed his glasses up.

"then you tell her that. it fun to see her all awkward when she is new people." he said.

before yamaguchi could tell you, the lunch break was over and students started to walk back into class. you stood up and went back to your seat, leaving tsukishima and yamaguchi.

yamaguchi was worried for you while tsukishima awaited your suffering.

~~time skip to the practice match~~

right after school, you immediately left to the gym. you didnt even wait for the rude duo.

you noticed a lot of shoes at the entrance of the gym that didnt seem familiar but you ignored it thinking that it wasn't much. what if the team just had different shoes today?

once you walked in, you saw aoba johsai already in the gym. you froze in your place seeing so many new people.

oikawa noticed your figure and started to walk over to you. you silently panicked.

"oi, are you the manager? can you help me?" he said.

you quickly nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"great! I just need your number." he said, smirking.

you blushed a bit and looked down. you haven't even said a word to this man and he is already flirting with you.

"oikawa come over here and lead stretches!"

he winked at you before jogging over to the rest of the team.

for 15 minutes, you waited outside waiting for anyone to come so you arent alone. you sat down on the steps outside a bit, the temperature dropping a few.

you heard footsteps but you didnt let it bother you, thinking it was just the team still warming up. you felt a tap on your shoulder.

you stood up quickly, and bowed, not thinking about anything. you just let it happen.

"no need to bow. I am a friendly senpai. what is your name little manager?" you heard oikawa speak.

you stood up and looked at him. you could not just say anything to him. you didnt know if it was just the appearance of him, the coldness of the atmosphere, or just everything, you could not get a word out of your mouth.

oikawa smiled at you and took advantage of your frozen state. he handed you his jacket, making you break out of your trance.

"s-senpai, no-no n-need I h-have my-my own." you finally said, tripping over your own words.

he let out a soft chuckle, opening the jacket for you.

"I would be a bad senpai if you dont wear it. i cant let karasuno's mini manager freeze to death do i?" he said.

still scared to say anything more, you took his jacket. he helped you into the jacket. once you were in it, he hugged you.

you stiffened yourself, not expecting him to hug you.

"get off of her." a voice said.

you turned to the source only to see tsukishima walking into the gym with the rest of the team.

he looked at you, drowning in oikawa's jacket. he blushed a bit, hiding it when he pushed his glasses off.

"my bad. didnt know karasuno's mini manager had a boyfriend." oikawa said, smirking at tsukishima.

you were entirely red at this point. like what the heck is happening?!

"she isnt my girlfriend." tsukishima said.

oikawa smirked.

"well then why do you have a problem with her wearing my jacket?"

tsukishima was caught off guard a bit. why was he so jealous- wait did he just say he was jealous?! no. no. no. you were just his friend. a close friend. with a pretty face and wonderful personali-. oh my god he is in love with you!

"so, chibi. are you single?" he said, using tsukishima's pause to make himself more annoying by leaning in closer to you. oikawa was pushing his buttons and he knew it.

tsuki stepped in front of you and blocking oikawa.

"no anymore." tsukishima said, turning to you.

he held your hands and pulled then to his chest. tanaka and noya hugged each other, tearing up a bit seeing the sight. everyone was waiting for tsuki to started to talking.

"y/n, be my girlfriend." he said, staring at your eyes. his golden orbs staring right into yours.

you nodded quickly, smiling big. he smiled a bit and hugged you. everyone cheered, even oikawa.

tsuki turned your bodies to oikawa.

"she cant wear someone else's jacket when she has her boyfriend's." he said, ripping off oikawa's jacket from you and handing it to him.

I guess that's one way to get a confession.


bonus scene:

(after the match)

daichi waited a bit, from behind the gym.

"aye thanks for the acting. I really needed it." daichi said, handing over a couple of bills.

"anytime my guy. but like I didn't know she was that cute. i shouldn't of agreed to this." oikawa said, taking this money.

"shut up. it was going to take forever for tsukishima to confess if you didnt do that. but thanks again."

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