ushijima - secret untold

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you breathed heavily. you tried to calm your nerves, shaking your hands to calm yourself. no matter what you said to yourself, the lump in your throat didn't go away.

you fidgeted with your huge t-shirt, crumpling up the ends of it between your sweaty palms. you double checked everything on your outfit, the shirt, biker shorts, dutch braids, and the one knee pad that ushijima let you borrow.

it was a couple of minutes before your dance team performs for the volleyball halftime show. it would also be the first time ushijima would see you and your team for the first time

you keep it a secret that you were on the dance team, scared he would try and come to see you. you thought your dancing skills were never the best and maybe the worst on the team when clearly you are one of the best. I mean, they would pick you as captain for nothing.

you looked at your teammates, who gave you smiles. they knew you tried to keep your dance on the low key, but they wanted to show everyone, including ushijima that you were special, so so special.

"please welcome shiratorizawa's award-winning dance team to the floor performing their 1st place hip hop dance! choreographed by y/n!" the announcer said over the speaker.

everyone cheered for the team, knowing how good you all were.

you sighed for the umptieth time, before smiling and walking you onto the floor. you saw in the corner of your eye, ushijima stare at you, not looking away once.

once the music started, ushijima noticed your eyes change. the kip-up from the ground helped fuel your adrenaline for the rest of your dance.

neither team could listen to their coaches. they all watched you.

it was your solo part. you held up your dutch braids as you danced. it was a sassy small part that you made just to lighten the mood.

both volleyball teams cheered for you, impressed that the dance was this good. tendou nudged ushijima, who kept pointing you out. he was still staring at you.

you crushed the dance. every isolation, footwork, jump, everything was perfect. not to mention the expressions that made everyone's attention go straight to you.

by the end of the dance and then dancer all hit the final formation, the crowd when wild. they had completely forgotten they were at a volleyball game.

your team went to bow and walk off. you tried to catch your breath, sweat dripping down your face. you gathered the team around before sending them off to do their own thing, like leave, stay, or watch the game. you congratulated them on working hard and did the team call.

everyone patted you on the back, before exiting the gym facility. you stayed behind because you are staying over at ushijima's today.

you quickly wiped off your sweat and makeup before returning to the stands. you looked down at the game and saw your boyfriend playing.

you smiled seeing him so focused. his face seemed so cute from far away.

as you watched him, some students came up to you. they weren't in shiratorizawa's uniform. you looked at them confused why they were over where you were, especially since you in the far back stands. 

"can i help you?" you asked.

"we just wanted to say you were really good out there!" one guy said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh thank you! i am glad you enjoyed it!"  you exclaimed. it was the first time someone other than your team has ever complimented your choreo.

then they just walked away. the guy that talked to you had his head down, while the other guy nudged him on the side. you were confused nonetheless.

little did you know, ushijima was watching the whole thing unfold. he was also confused why those guys came up to you even more so that you.

as the second round started, ushijima made a goal for himself to play even harder. you just showed him up, so he had to do you one better.

"ushiwaka!" tendou yelled, setting the ball for him.

this was the perfect opportunity for him.

he jumped up, winding his arms to gain momentum. using his famous left hand, he curved the spike. the ball hit the ground, too fast for anyone to react.

as he felt his two foot back on the ground, screams and cheers filled his ears. the ones that fell on his hearing ears, were the ones coming from you.

your words made him feel energized, even after playing the whole game.

he turned his head to the stands and saw you jumping up and down with a huge smile on your face.

he liked that. :)


the team just finished changing and ushijima was now heading to find you.

you were in the lobby of the gym, near the entrance. you sat on the floor, back against the wall, just mindlessly scrolling through whatever.

he walked over to you waiting for you to notice him. you didnt and just sat on the floor with him standing in front of you.

ushijima patted your head making you looked up at him.

"oh hey!" you broke into a smile.

he only nodded and helped you up. you gladly took his hand and didnt let go once you stood up. the two of you walked out into the  gym to his house.

"you did really well today!" you said squeezing his hand.

"so did you." he said, looking at you.

you looked at the floor and gave a small laugh. he wondered why you seemed so nervous.

"why didnt you tell me?" he asked.

you only looked at the floor. to him, it seemed like you weren't going to talk.

"you dont have to tell me. I understand you have your rea-"

you cut him off.

"I didnt want you to see me dance." you said, taking his hand and playing with his fingers.

"to be honest, I was going to skip today cause I was so nervous."

the two of you were at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. ushijima  hasn't taken his eyes off of you and you grew even more nervous.

"I'm sorry. I should of told you" you said, meeting his eyes.

"no need to. you have your reasons." ushijima said.

you stared at him, surprised at how calm he was. then he pulled your hand and dragged you across the street.

it was a couple of minutes until you reached his house. his parents weren't home, bc they were out on a business trip.

after the door closed after you, you asked ushijima.

"why arent you mad?"

"do you want me to be mad?" he said, placing his stuff on his couch.

"no, it's just I would think you would have more questions." you responded.

"its just one more reason to love you and give you the whole world." he said planting a kiss on your forehead.

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