aone - hair braiding (big fluff)

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Summary: aone likes it when you play with his hair. luckily you have some experience with hair. :)


you and aone were in the gym, just vibing and enjoying each others presences. he was waiting for practice and you came to keep him company. he started to talk to you about his day.

you sat above him on the bleachers, his head near your knees. you smiled knowing you had a perfect boyfriend.

aone and you were total opposites. he was more reserved and quiet, while you were more outgoing and really loud. you both brought out side that people dont normally see you as.

when aone was talking about his day, you put your hand on his head. you began to message his scalp.

he turned around, stopping mid sentence, and looked up at you confused.

"y/n what are you doing?" he said, blushing slightly.

you immediately took your hand off.

"sorry, I didn't mean to touch you without your permission. I wont do it again. it just looked so fluffy." you said, getting flustered. you sat on your hands to resist the urge to play with the white locks.

aone put his hand on your thigh, making you look up at him.

"no I really like it. its... soothing..." he said, using his other hand to itch the nape of his neck.

you sweetly smiled, and slowly up your hand on his head.

"tell me if I hurt you or if something is hurting. okay?" you said.

he nodded and continued to talk to you.

for the next 15 minutes, you and aone talked to each other while you play with his hair.

you ran your finger through his soft white locks. he hasn't had a haircut in a while, not that you minding, and an idea popped into your head.

you moved away from his head and dug through your bag. you rummaged through your books and papers.

aone looked at you, searching for something in your bag. you pulled out two strawberry hair ties (or elastics) and giggled.

you saw aone's face and giggled again.

"is it okay if I do a couple of hairstyles on you?" you asked.

he nodded and turned back around, ready have his hair done.

secretly, aone really likes to have is hair done. usually at home, he has the little hair ties that you leave at his house and ties his hair up when studying. he sometimes even watches YouTube videos on how to do hair and tries it on himself.

you parted his hair in the middle and tied one section to the side. you started to dutch braid one side. you left the end unfinished and tied it into a ponytail. you did to the same to the other side.

aone had no clue what you were doing. he kept trying to stay still though, not wanting to mess you up.

after a couple of minutes, you squealed in joy. you had finished his hair and was really happy how it turned out. your tapped his shoulder, making him turn around so that you could see the front of his face.

you saw that it made his handsome face seem more clear. you giggled and smiled at him, really happy.

aone smiled too, seeing you all joyful and cheerful. it was cute.

you took your phone camera out and showed him how it looked. when he saw himself, he blushed. he didn't expect himself to look that good and looked away from the camera.

"what? do you want me to take it out? if you dont like it, its fine-" you said, panicking that you made him uncomfortable.

before aone could say anything, the rest of the Date Tech team came inside.

you panicked, not wanting aone to be embarrassed by your doing, in this case your braids. you tried to pull the hair ties out of his hair to get rid of any sign of his hair being done.

aone stood up and bowed, greeting them. you couldn't read his head now and cursed at yourself for being so small compared to him.

Futakuchi noticed aone's hair.

"what's on your hair aone?" he smirk, trying to poke at the blocker.

you panicked, all sirens and alarms were going off in your mind. you felt embarrassed for aone, thinking he would never let you play with his hair again.

"y/n did it. I like it." he said in his stern voice.

you stood still, shocked that he liked it.

the other team members smiled knowing aone really did like it. even though aone doesnt show it often or say it, he really adores everything you do and give him

aone turned to you, and saw your somewhat panicked figure. he gave you a small kiss on the forehead and went to warm up with the rest of the team.

you stood there for a while, trying to process everything. you felt your heart melt at his affection.

you sat back down and covered your face as you blushed a very deep red, feeling the heat of it.

aone felt a nudge from his captain, who pointed towards your direction. he looked over at you and also blushed slightly. he smiled seeing you all cute.

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