Part one

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Karma's POV

I was so exited to finally meet Reagan even if Amy didn't know about it, she makes Amy happy and that makes me happy. Im glad she's finally moving on, I just hope she's not too mad at me for crashing her date.

I get a text from liam 'On my way x' it says, I quickly finish getting ready and he arrives just on cue

Karma: "Bye mom bye dad!"

And I walk out to Liam's car

Liam: "You look nice"

Karma: "Thanks"

I smile and he returns it, the whole way there I can't stop thinking, thinking about Reagan and if she will like me and what to say.

I get out of car, take a deep breath and walk hand in hand with Liam into the restaurant. There they are, my best friend in the whole wide world looking all lovey dovey with a complete stranger. Anger surges inside me 'How can she be like that with someone I haven't even met? I thought I was important to her yet she seems to be cozy enough with Reagan who she wouldn't even let me meet!'

I breathe out 'Calm down you're being stupid' I tell myself and put on my best smile.

Karma: "Amy! Fancy seeing you here!"

I smirk at her expression of complete shock

Amy: "Er... what... what are you doing here?"

Karma: "And hello to you to! And you must be Reagan?"

Reagan "Yeah I am who are you?"

Amy: "This is Karma"

Reagan: "Nice to meet you Karmen"

Karmen? KARMEN!?! Had Amy not mentioned me at all?

Karma: "Its Karma and I'm Amy's best friend by the way, we go way back to kindergarten"

Reagan: "How come you never mentioned her?"

Ouch. That hurt. She hadn't even mentioned me to her girlfriend. Amy looked bewildered and I can tell that she was trying to formulate a plan in her head as to why she hadn't mentioned me. Right then Shane walked in with a man I hadn't met before.

Shane "Hey guys! This is my trainer Duke!"

Duke: "Hey"

We all said hi back and sat down, after an uncomfortable couple of minutes Lauren walked in with her new boyfriend Theo

Lauren: "Really?"

She looked at Theo with flames in her eyes

Theo: "I thought that it'd be nice to spend time with your friends?"

Lauren: " These my friends?!"

Reagan: "Nice to meet you too"

She laughs at her own joke and Amy joins in but shakily, obviously still shook up about us being here.

Reagan: "And you are?"

Lauren rolls her eyes

Lauren: "Lauren Amy's step sister"

Reagan: "Ah! I've heard lots about you"

She seems to have put emphasis on the 'you' she looks at me and smirks 'That bitch!' I think. 'Keep it together Karma,  dont let her get to you' I keep telling myself over and over in my head.

The food comes and Reagan tries to get Amy to eat some kale

Reagan: "Try a bit it's lovely!"

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now