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this photo is my thirteenth reason why but if i have to see it so do u<3

The two men that had recently stayed by the entrance of the enclosed space they kept you in now maneuvered closer to you.

Knocking the chair you had been tied to over, you fell to the ground.

You let out a groan.

You could already feel a bruise forming on your cheek.

You kept quiet as the two grew impatient with the confident smile embedded into your face.

"So to be clear, I was supposed to be used as leverage? But... they're not gonna come after me." You snicker.

"Shut up, bitch." The bald man scowled pressing a gun to your chin with a sneer.

"XD." you flash him an awkward smile before going completely quiet.

The man slashed a blade against the rope that restrained your limbs together allowing you to fall free.

But before you could stretch your arms from the uncomfortable position you were kept in for hours, the two men forced you forward.

You made your way down the damp concrete halls along with the two that had guarded you.

"Am I being hung? I would much rather be shot t-b-h." You confess rubbing your throat as a shiver made its way down your spine.

The man shook his head.

"You're being dismembered and shipped to Chrollo himself." The buff man chortled.

"Interes-ting." You nodded anxiously.

Eventually, you had come to a stop as the bald man shoved you to your knees.

Put back into your restraints, you were forced to remain in a horizontal position.

And although you were oddly calm about the situation, you were unsure if your abnormal healing quirk would actually work if you were being dismembered.

The hairless man flashed you a devious grin as he held a blade out in front of you pressing it against your chin.

A bead of blood gradually slid down your neck as you had winced.

"Ayo, Mr. Worldwide i don't know how I feel about mitosis." You grumble attempting to free yourself from the belts he had buckled you in.

"I think I'll start with your tongue, and then go for your arms- legs- throat..." He began as he trailed the blade against your clothing.

"You know... this ain't my fetish but i'm being turned on." You suppress a laugh.

"For fucks sake just gut her already." The other man had scowled as he approached you.

He grabbed you by the collar and forced you to the ground. He pressed his boot against your cheek.

"Again. You are not helping your case." You spat.

You let out a yelp as you felt something pierce through your abdomen. Blood trudged from the wound as you struggled to keep a steady breathing pace.

"You're so fucking annoying." The man groaned.

Unable to speak as you began to choke up on your own blood, they let out a tormenting laugh.

"Alright I've had my fun just shut this bitch up already."

The bald man grabbed you by your throat and slammed you onto the concrete wall causing you to wince immediately.

In his other hand, he held a blade as it gradually lifted toward your throat.

You tried to grasp a hold of your unsteady breathing in order to make the least physical contact you could with the blade that had now been pressed up against your neck.

"I'll have Chrollo grieve as much as I did when he ruthlessly murdered my family. Starting with you." He spat.

The blade began to slowly penetrate your skin as you let out a horrifying scream.

"That won't be necessary." Another voice hummed.

Your frail body fell to the floor immediately.

The man instinctively turned around as he had dropped the blade in shock.

pure terror caused him to freeze in his very spot unable to move and to just remain hyperventilating.

SLAUGHTERHOUSE- F. Portor & C. Lucilfer x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now