Chapter 6

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On the banner is a picture of Dreamer with a cast on his leg.


"Time to wake up Dreamer!" I heard yelling. I yanked my head up. Ouch! I bonked my head on my water bucket. 'Ok, ok, ok, I'm up!' I said in my head. I turned around facing a laughing Kate.

Very funny Kate, let's see who laughs when something bad happens to you. "Ok Dreamer it's time to feed you for the day," she said. To bad I can't do workouts on the track. They think I will break my leg again. You know it get boring in a stall all day. Doing nothing. Nothing.

Kate dumped a big bucket of food in my food bin, and refilled me water bucket with fresh water. Just to tell you, that water was fresh, and delicious. I stuck my head in my food bin. Kate laughed. How was eating funny? I guess I will never know.

Kate started to brush me off with a horse brush. Ahhhh... That felt good. Whenever somebody brushes me, it feels like heaven. The brush glided trough me fur slowly. Why does she do it slowly?

I know there is no need to rush. But, she could at least hurry it up a little bit. Yea I know I am bored, but what else can I do. Really I am stuck in my stall for the next three days. It's gonna be very boring. Nothing to do but eat and drink.

At least I have friends. Friends who are gone pretty much every day. I nudged Kate. "Hey, watch it Dreamer! I just got these new shoes ok?" She asked, yet yelled. Yea, like I care, I am not a human.

If only horses can roll their eyes. Than I would've done it, and then walk away. But no, we horses can't roll our eyes. If we could, I would've been doing it for a long time. I mean, who really cares what a human says. Their humans, they can't read our minds.

Sorry for updating late, and for short chapter.

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