☆CHAPTER 8-1st day of school ☆

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Dream and George were up till 1 am watching all different kinds of TV shows and movies they can find before going to bed. They all had work after the first day of college. So you can imagine how tired they were in the morning.
When they all got to school for first period of class they were all split nothing really much happened. Then they went to 2nd and 3rd period then went to there lunch table that they formed a group at.
Dark one of the "girls" or well people practicality assumed there gender there pronouns were they/them but everyone assumed. As they walked down the hallway a bunch of people were whispering about them. They put there hood on not really caring but still walking to lunch angry kinda. They saw a group they wanted to sit at cause those people looked nice. Will stuffed one of bads home made muffins everyone got into his mouth. Dark tapped his shoulder.
"Uh... excuse me is anyone else sitting there?" Dark points to an empty seat no one was currently sitting at.
"Nope. Go ahead you can sit there" will smiled.
Dark smiles back charmingly as they sat down. Schaltt looked at dark.
"So what's your name I'm schaltt!" Schaltt smiled determined.
"I'm dark! I'm non-binary btw," dark looked down shy.
George eyes lit up "woah! That's so cool!" He smiles. "I'm George, but some people call me gogy"
"The names Wilbur" will smiled at dark kindly.
"I'm dream" dream said while sitting down in his seat that he was sitting at before.
"I'm skeppy, the demon is bad my boyfriend" skeppy kissed bad on the lips.
Dark smiles "you two are a great couple it's nice to meet you all!"
They talked and talked till they went to all of there classes.
"Nice talking to you guys!" Dark smiles and waves goodbye.
They all said "See ya tomorrow!"
Dark walked to there class alone.

a new life (schalttbur dreamnotfound and skephalo) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now