Musical Prodigy

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I guess it's not the best, but the story line is probably better than the other ones imo.
I gave it a part 1,2,3 and yes 4 and I thought...Idk. I haven't decided on it. Maybe, you'll encourage me to make a story about it.
Edit: Also, one of my earlier ones.

Here's part 1, I hope you enjoy.
Warning: There will be violence and curse words.

Hong Joochan...
The all star.
A musical genius, a smart ass, a love expert who doesn't even have to talk to get girls to fall at his feet.
He gets principle's list every time and is a teacher's favorite.
To top it all off, he's beautiful.
How annoying....

My friends gawk over him everyday while I have to sit through it all.
"He's wearing a turtle neck, guys!"
"Omg! That turtle neck makes him so sexy.."
"Guys...I think I'm drooling and I don't mind."

I deal with this all the time that I don't even have the energy to roll my eyes, anymore.
" food is getting soggy with you pestering him.."
"Really? 'Cause mine is heating up with how hot-"
"Don't you dare finish that!" I point a threatening finger.
They giggle in unison.

"I heard he rejected, yet another girl last week," Soojung spoke with disappointment.
"Doesn't make sense. Girls by now should know they don't have a chance. He'll never accept anyone's feelings. It's best to just watch him from afar." Chohee sighs and slouches.
I grit my teeth out of irritation.

That's what's annoying about him. He's always rejecting girls.
He thinks he's too perfect that he's untouchable and that people don't deserve him.
He's legit playing with feelings at this point. If he's out of everyone's league, then what league does he belong in?
Is he even human? I'm starting to question if he's a god watching everyone bowing down to his feet.

"I'm starting to reconsider confessing my feelings, now." Yuna states nervously.
"You're not the only one. Many girls have reconsidered with him, and then end up not telling, anyway."
"That's stupid. He's gotta like someone, eventually. I mean, how is it that out of all the girls no one has been able to surpass his expectations?" I clock in the conversation, intrigued.
"Why? Do you wanna be that special someone??" Soojung wiggles her brows.
"Ew! Gross..." I exclaim.
What is it with always cornering me by asking those questions?

" is it that you've never dated anyone? You seem to reject people too."
"Well...because I'm just not interested in love. I got stuff to do, girls.."
"Whatever...I'm still not over his turtle neck, though. Not to mention his hair!" Chohee flails her hands excitedly and points.

I gaze behind me to see what they were looking at. Of just had to be Joochan walking by.

"Ladies, nice choice of food. Broccoli is beneficial for your brain." He spills a "fun fact."
"Why is he here..?" I barely let out a mumble.
"How much do you eat in a day, Joochan?" Chohee asks, interrupting him.
"Why? Can you tell?"
"Well, your smartness is literally oozing out." Soojung exaggerates with hand motions.
He snickers at her comment and signals himself off, running to his friends.

"What the hell was that Soojung??"
"What? I sounded pretty chill."
"If freaked out and cringe is your definition of "chill". I quote her.

"Boyeon!" Yuna yells.
"Are you trying to get yourself beat up? Do you know who his friends are??
"Like I care. He's definitely triggering my fight or flight, though.."
"Well, you're triggering mine. I don't care if you don't like him. But, I do. So, can you try to low it down?"
"Why?" I question, confused by her attack.
"Because you're my friend and friends don't blow their friend's chance."
"What chance?? You don't have one!" I say without thinking, realizing only after the bitterness my words held.
She stops and stares, betrayed.

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