Chapter Seven

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My name is Selena March and I am awesome!
Selena couldn't hold in her grin when Asriel offered her a ride back to Gratia Plena. She was grinning through out the silent car ride, she was grinning at the building parking lot and she was grinning when walking back into the building. She almost stuck out her tongue at Wanda when walking by the front desk.

Asriel looked at Wanda's desk and sighed. He walked to her desk and she sat up straighter. A bright smile on her face.

"Good morning sir Asriel." She greeted cheerily. Selena frowned at her from behind Asriel. It was as if she was a completely different person.

Asriel only nodded in response to her greeting and picked up her name tag from her desk, the thing he had his eyes on. His eyes landed on a magazine; it's front cover immediately catching his attention. It was the CEO of Timmy's products, smiling happily during an interview. He picked up the magazine and started reading out loud.

"It is important to be positive. After all, in business you have to speak and be what you want hence projecting the good results." He looked at Selena who was back to grinning like an idiot. "Sounds familiar, right Selena?"

Selena looked at the magazine and remembered quoting the exact same words to him just a few minutes ago. Her smile wavered but didn't fall.

"Yes it does sound familiar Mr Parker. I had no idea that you liked the saying." Selena said. Asriel dropped the magazine and pocketed Wanda's tag. He had a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I do now." He whispered to himself so that neither of the two could hear him. He turned to Wanda who was glaring at Selena with distaste. "I will send someone over with the one labelled as receptionist. In the meantime, take Selena up to Ataliah's office for an interview."

"Which elevator sir?" Wanda asked, still holding a glaring contest with Selena.

"Employees'." Asriel answered. Wanda nodded and Asriel walked towards an elevator with a label on top of the door. The words in bold said A.Parker. Selena rolled her eyes at the irony of the heading. It could mean Asaiah Parker or Ataliah Parker too.

Wanda stood up angrily and muttered a "follow me" to Selena. Wanda walked to the elevator besides the one Asriel went into. It's label was EMPLOYEES ONLY. Right next to it was one labelled GUESTS. Selena followed Wanda obediently, happily humming to herself in the process.

They got into the elevator and Wanda pressed the button to the tenth floor. Wanda was quiet and Selena was watching her intently, as if waiting for the woman to turn around and chew her head off. Wanda sighed and looked down, her posture suddenly shifting to a gloomy demeanor. She turned around to face Selena with a sad look on her face.

"I am sorry about earlier today." Wanda said, catching Selena by surprise. "It's just that I just got demoted from head secretary to the receptionist yesterday and I have been acting bitchy since. I know that doesn't excuse my behaviour and I know it's not even a good excuse but I really am sorry. It would mean a lot if we could put this behind us and be friends."

Selena was really taken aback by Wanda's sudden change in behaviour and words. She seemed sincere but there was something in her eyes that just screamed I STILL HATE YOU FOR NO REASON AT ALL. But then again, maybe it was just her imagination and a bit of paranoia from what her actual job was. After all, most of the victims she had come across were murdered by people they blindly trusted.

"It's okay miss Bloom, I understand you." Selena chose to say. She could have sworn that Wanda was acting way too happier than what she was really feeling and it was making Selena uncomfortable. For once during her life as a detective, she wished that her sensitivity to certain mood changes and situations was non existent _ maybe then she could pretend to like Wanda and be friendly with her.

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