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Weeks went by since the day Bella began hanging out with Jacob Black.

Shannon changed . She became closed of. A recluse . Talking to nobody . Not even her friends .

She spent her days going to school and back to the house , doing homework , cooking dinner, cleaning the house and all that womanly stuff .

Some days she holed up in her room because Jacob had started visiting on Thursdays and Fridays , doing homework with Bella and Shannon wasn't about to sit around the living room with them .

Those days Bella cooked dinner and Jacob stayed until after dinner .

Such times she has to force herself to go downstairs and eat dinner with her family and her ex-friend . If he ever was her friend ,that is .

Ignoring him wasn't easy because he and Bella talked a lot and laughed just as much . It was as if they had no care in the world .

That was where she was now sitting in the living room with a plate on the coffee table trying to eat while they joked and laughed .

Her Uncle joined in occasionally ,but David was just as quiet as she was . Yet he ate his food while she just pushed her food around on her plate . He was fine and she wasn't .

She didn't want to be there . Listening to her cousin and Jacob Black laugh and talk .

She didn't want to hear his voice .

Instead of his avoidance of her causing her feelings to vanish ,it instead made it grow , deepening it .

It wasn't just a simple crush anymore . It was love .

She didn't want it because it hurt so much that she felt like dying would be the only true way out .

She just didn't voice that thought to anyone .

She'd lost weight because of the nights like this one where she had to eat with Jacob Black present .

Her stomach felt knotted and that meant she ate less than she normally do . Yeah since she already ate little . Eating a little bit less than her usual was going to cause her to become a skeleton at the end of the day.

She frowned at the comical picture that thought brought up. A dancing skeleton. Yeah right !.

" Hey, Shannon?," her cousin's voice interrupted her thoughts.

She sighed inwardly and looked towards her cousin ,being careful not to look at the guy sitting beside Bella .

" Um....Uh.... there's a movie showing tomorrow night and I was wondering if you'd like to c_"

Shannon sat up straight , shaking her head before Bella could finish. " I'm sorry ,Bella , but no . I ..Um... promised Quil I'd go over to his house . With Embry being such a jerk and all that he feels a little down these days ".

" Well, Jake invited Quil  too and he's going to be there ,so, you have no excuse to not_"

" Really ,Bella, I don't want to offend or step on toes or anything . I ...I don't feel like going to the movies . I actually got too much homew_ "

" Homework can wait till Saturday ", her Uncle chipped in, cutting her off ," Shannon , just go with Bella and Jacob to the movies  . You've been hiding in this house for weeks . You need to get out more ".

She bit her lip , looking down at her plate . What was the use to try and wiggle herself out of this whole 'going to the movies ' thing?.

She excused herself quickly , getting to her feet and  left the room feeling eyes boring into her back .

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