It's Been a Year

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Ashur's POV

'Shit I'm hungry,' I growled to Cerberus. 'Well then find food,' He growled back. 'What do you think I've been trying to do the past few days? It's not my fault it's the middle of winter!'

'When can we go back?' Cerberus whimpered. I sighed and didn't answer as I started walking again.

'I guess I could turn on one of the mind links again, but which one?'

'Just do all three of them,' Cerberus answered. I nodded and turned all three of my mind links back on.

'Miles! Come back here!' Amelia yelled through the Six plus Ford mind link. I yelped in shock.

'I need air,' Miles growled back at her.

'Papa...' Amy whimpered.

'Amy,' I whispered to her.

'Dad?' She whispered. 'Is that really you?'

'Yes, it is.'

'Ashur, where are you? It's been a year since you left,' Miles asked through our mate link.

'I don't even know anymore,' I laughed.

'Dad when are you coming home?' Amy whimpered.

'I don't know sweetie,' I whispered.

'I miss you,' She cried.

There was a deep growl behind me. I quickly got up and turned around, growling. 'Amy, I miss you too. But I've got to deal with something quickly. I love you.'

'Wait don't go...' She started before I turned off that mind link again.

I growled louder as a large black wolf creeped out of the bushes. His brown eyes stared at me sharply. 'Who are you?' He sent at me. My growl wavered, he almost sounded like Miles.

'What do you want?' I snarled. His eyes flashed with confusion.

'I want to know who you are!' He snarled back.

'Moon Shadow is what people call me. Now who are you?' I growled backing up slightly. I'm not lying the packs and the rogues have been calling me Moon Shadow in the past year.

'Miles McCarthy, Alpha of Blaze pack,' He growled. I froze mid-step and whimpered. 'What's wrong with you?'

'Um... n-nothing. I g-got to go,' I whispered backing up some more. Before he could say anything, I turned around and bolted.

'Hey get back here,' Miles called. I could hear him racing after me. Within seconds he tackled me to the ground. I yelped as I hit the ground. 'Who are you really?'

'That doesn't matter to you,' I hissed as more pain ran through my body.

'Yes, it does, Ashur,' He whispered.

'I don't know wh...' I started before everything went black.

Miles' POV

"Isn't this Moon Shadow?" Healer Lincoln asked as I set Ashur on the Healer bed.

"Just check him. He fainted after I tackled him," I growled. Lincoln nodded and started to check Ashur. 'I should have asked Andrew to check Ashur,' I thought as I held back a growl. Lincoln is an Alpha while Andrew is a Delta. I'm not liking another Alpha touching Ashur.

The Six packs (The War) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now