The end of the war

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Ashur's POV

"Ashur wake up," Serenity whispered shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me worriedly and to hear screaming and yelling outside our building.

"What's happening out there?" I asked getting up.

"I don't know, I woke up to it," Serenity answered standing up. "The door's locked though, and I can't see anything through the cracks."

Suddenly, the lock on the door started to rattle. I placed myself in front of Serenity and started growling. "Alpha, it's just me. You need to get out of here. Someone is attacking the camp, and this is a perfect time to escape," Fritz whispered opening the door. I stopped growling as Clove ran to me and hugged my waist. He's almost as tall as Riley even though Riley is six years older.

"Do you know who is attacking?" Serenity asked hopeful.

"I think it's one of the packs, but I don't know exacting which one," Fritz answered. I smelt the air.

"It's all of them," Serenity said happily. She tried to get around me and Fritz to ran out. I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Serenity we can't go out there. We need to get out of here first and then figure out where to go from there," I said when she looked back at me confused.

"Wait, our connections should work again," She whispered.

"There's only a slight chance they will work. You can try, but you need to get out of here before James comes back here to get you," Fritz said handing Serenity a bag. "And please take Clove and Caspar with you. They'll live a better life in the packs."

"Um, but where is Caspar?" I asked looking down at Clove. Clove whimpered as a deep growl came from behind Fritz.

"You mean this pup?" James asked throwing Caspar at me. I caught him and found his fur covered in blood.

"No!" Fritz growled with a whimper in his voice.

'Ashur! Serenity! Where are you at?!' Miles asked loudly through the mind link.

"I knew something was up between you and them," James growled at Fritz. Fritz growled back and stepped in between James and me. "So, you're loyal to him now?"

"I was never loyal to you or your father," Fritz snarled. James laughed.

"Well you shouldn't have given him your loyalty because he will now be the death of you," James laughed pulling out a knife. Fritz growled and readied himself for James' attack.

'Please answer,' Miles whimpered.

'We're in the building in the back of the camp. It looks run down and old,' Serenity answered.

'They all look run down and old,' Archie complained.

'I know where they are, and I'm closer than the rest of you,' Amelia said. 'Ashur remember you can use your Moon warrior powers.'

'No, he's not trained enough for it. He still passes out if he uses too much,' Miles growled. Serenity looked over at me in concern as James attacked Fritz.

"Stop!" I snarled blasting wind at James, throwing him against the wall.

"You can't tell me what to do," James growled running at me. Panicky I shot fire at him. He dodged at kept coming towards me. Fritz growled and tackled James to the floor. Clove whimpered and hugged me tighter.

Serenity screamed as James slit Fritz's throat. I froze in shock and gripped the back of Clove's shirt.

'I'm here what the hell just happened?' Amelia asked as she appeared at the door. She growled and attacked James without even thinking first.

'What's happening I heard Serenity scream?' Archie asked worriedly.

We didn't answer him as Amelia bit into James' neck. I quickly pushed Clove towards the back of the building and handed him his brother. "You stay here and don't come out unless a pack wolf tells you to," I whispered as he whimpered. He nodded and buried his face into Caspar's fur.

I turned back around quickly when I heard Amelia yelp. Growling I shifted and attacked James off her. 'I can't wait to kill you,' I growled as Amelia got back up. Serenity hesitantly shifted also and joined Amelia and I at attacking James.

'Can someone please tell us what's happening with you three?' Archie pleaded. We didn't get the chance to answer as James blasted us off him. Serenity yelp and then laid limp after hitting the stone wall. I landed close to Serenity, but surprisingly didn't get hurt. And as for Amelia I don't know where she landed.

'Pack wolves are so weak,' James mocked bending over me. I growled and tried to get up. 'Stay down, Omega!'

'You fucking asshole,' I growled as my body listened to his command. He just chuckled and trotted over to Serenity.

'The first one out. I'm not surprised. She was always weak,' He said biting at her throat. I growled and started fighting James' command even though it brought pain. 'Don't struggle Ashur, it will make it hurt more. This will be over in a minute.'

'No!' Amelia snarled pouncing at James once again. I watched helplessly as they started fighting.

'Miles...' I whispered as James pinned Amelia. 'James is going to kill Amelia if you guys don't get here fast.'

'Shit,' Archie growled. 'I'm on my way now.'

'Where are you? Can't you help her until Archie gets there?' Miles asked.

'James used his Alpha voice to make me stay put,' I whimpered. I yelped as Amelia was thrown into me. 'I'm going to need all of you...'

'Now with her out of my way, it's time for Serenity,' James growled annoyed. I snarled as he walked back over to Serenity.

'Don't!' Amelia growled, staggering as she stood up. I looked at her worriedly. 'Don't touch her!'

'Wow you're still alive,' James whispered impressed. 'Well not for long.'

They both pounced at each other and met halfway, teeth bared. Suddenly, a blur of brown attacked James off Amelia. 'You sicken me,' Archie growled grabbing James' throat. 'Your so-called pack is slowly retreating one by one and you're in here still trying to get your way. Surrender you good for nothing asshole!'

'Never!' James growled pushing Archie off. While Archie was regaining sight of him, James grabbed Amelia's neck and snapped it. Everything seemed to go quiet as Amelia went limb. I barely saw Archie attack and chase a wounded James off as I stared at Amelia's limb body.

'Ashur,' Archie whispered nudging my side. I looked up at him. 'We need to go check on the others. The war is over.'

'No, we can't leave her,' I growled getting up and rushing to Amelia's side. Archie stepped in front of me, stopping me. 'Move Archie.'

'She's gone Ashur!' He growled as he shifted. Tears started to roll down his face as he pulled Amelia to him. "She's gone. I'm happy for you, but I love you. I knew what you were going to say Amelia, and I'm sorry." 

The Six packs (The War) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now