Join Blaze Pack

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A few days later

Ashur's POV

"Luna you should be resting," The newest Healer, Caleb, said worriedly.

"I'm fine," I whispered not looking up. Miles laid in the bed next to my chair, still out cold from a few days ago. The Healers don't know when he'll wake up. And now with Miles in a bed I oversee the pack. There has been a few more rogue attacks on the packs, but we don't know if it's James or just some stupid rogues.

"Caleb, you are needed stat!" Lincoln yelled from the other room. Caleb ran from Miles' room fearfully. I quickly followed him.

In the next room, Lincoln and Andrew were working on Jack and Hailey. The two young parents were bloody and barely breathing.

"What happened?" I asked Wyatt and Carter who were standing in the hall covered in blood that wasn't theirs.

"We found them like that," Wyatt whispered. Carter only nodded as he gazed through me.

"Caleb," I said grabbing Caleb's arm as he rushed past me. "When you're done helping Lincoln and Andrew, Carter and Wyatt need to be checked for shock."

Caleb nodded and ran into the room as soon as I let him go. I grabbed Carter's arm and carefully forced him to sit.

"Wyatt you sit down too," I demanded. Wyatt nodded and sat down with his back against the walk behind him. "Stay here and keep Carter with you."

"Yes Luna," Wyatt whispered.

And with that I ran from the Healers' office. The thing is Flip, Jack and Hailey's 1-year-old son, should have been with them. 'We need to find him,' I whispered to Cerberus. 'Use your Luna senses,' Cerberus reminded me. 'Right, thanks Cerberus.'

I stopped and closed my eyes. I just need to feel for his spirt. 'He's in the woods!' Cerberus whimpered. I opened my eyes, shifted, and raced out of pack house.

'Mind if I join you?' Haisley asked appearing by my side as I broke into the woods. 'I heard what happened and was heading to the Healers' office when I saw you run out of the office. Good job using your senses.'

'How did you know I was using them?' I asked startled. She chuckled.

'All Lunas close their eyes when they first use their senses,' She explained. I came to a halt and sniffed the air.

'Do you smell that?' I asked looking over at Haisley.

'Yeah, I do. It's a weird smell. What do you think it is?'

'When rogues battle each other, they give off a smell that most packs don't know about since rogues don't always fight each other,' I said finding some blood on the ground.

'Luna!' Flip yelled barreling towards me. I laid down as he bounced at my side.

'Flip, are you alright? Are you hurt at all?' I asked sniffing at his fur.

'That tickles,' He screeched, laughing. I sighed and looked up at Haisley.

'He seems unharmed,' I said. She nodded.

'Where'd Rosie go?' Flip asked walking away from us. I carefully grabbed him be the nape and stopped him from going anywhere.

'Who's Rosie?' Haisley asked.

'She saved me from bad wolf,' He whispered. Haisley and I shared a look. This would explain the smell. Rosie must be a rogue.

'Kid where did you go?' A woman's voice said as a rusty colored wolf trotted out of the darkness. This must be Rosie. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us, but then started growling when she realized I was holding Flip. 'What do you want?'

'You need to fix your nose if you think we're rogues,' I said coolly. Rosie looked at me in shock.

'You're Ashur,' She whispered backing up. 'I'm sorry I'll leave.'

'Wait,' Haisley said stopping her. 'Why did you save Flip?'

'Because they were trying to kill him,' Rosie muttered as Flip whimpered. 'I couldn't just stand there and watch someone kill another pup. Not after...'

'After what?' I asked setting Flip down. He ran to Rosie and sat down in between her paws.

'That doesn't concern you. I'll be leaving now,' Rosie growled.

'Do you like being a rogue?' I asked. Rosie looked at me sharply.

'Why would you care?' She growled.

'Haisley can you take Flip back to the pack house. And please check on his parents,' I whispered nudging Flip towards Haisley. Flip whimpered but let Haisley pick him up. A few seconds later they were out of sight. I sat down and looked at Rosie. 'I care because Flip's parents are on their deathbeds, and he's become attached to you. It seems that his wolf knows that his parents are going to die, so he as attached to the first person who protected him like a mother. I would like for you to join Blaze pack.'

Rosie looked at me like I was crazy. 'Why would you let me to join Blaze pack? And are you even allowed to decide that?'

'Yes, I'm allowed to decide this. I am Blaze pack Luna, and my mate is in a coma so I'm in charge of Blaze pack at the moment. I want you to join for Flip.'

'You don't remember me, do you?'

'What are you talking about?' I asked confused. Rosie looked away and sighed.

'Mother was right. You lost your memory.'

'I got it back, and how do you know about that.'

'My mother was Ivy Granite, and my father is Matt Williams.'

'But James was their only child...' I whispered backing away from her.

'No, there are four of us. Sky is the oldest. Uno is the second born. And James and I are twins, he's older by three minutes. I haven't seen Uno since Father kicked him out of the rogue pack two years ago. Sky is pregnant for the third time, with the Beta's pups. James is crazy and he killed Father. And James killed my pup, so I'm on the run,' Rosie explained as tears formed in her eyes.

'Join Blaze pack, Roseann,' I whispered laying my paw on her head.

'You remember my full name?' She asked bewildered. I nodded. She sighed and closed her eyes. 'I'll join Blaze pack and care for Flip if his parents don't make it.'


Hey Peoples! I feel like I might be bringing in too many characters (even if they're only background characters), so sorry about that. And here's a bit about Rosie.

Name- Roseann Elisa Granite

Nickname- Rosie

Age- 19

Pack- was a rogue but now part of Blaze pack

Rank- Omega

Gender- female

Height- 5'4"

Weight- 146

Hair color- Ginger

Eye color- Brown

Wolf's name- Autumn


Parents- Ivy Granite and Matt Williams

Sister- Sky Williams

Brothers- Uno Williams and James Williams 

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