A New Generation

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10 years later

No one's POV

At Smoke pack

"Archie," Aaliyah whispered touching Archie's arm as he stared out at the Light pack house.

"Hmm?" He asked tilting his head towards her, his eyes never leaving the house. Claire stepped out of the house, her ginger hair bright like fire, carrying her mate, Athena. They were one day married even though Athena was only 15. "Claire looks so much like her sister."

"Oh, love," Aaliyah whispered kissing Archie's head. "She will always be with you. Look at our daughter."

Archie shifted his gaze to the group of pups his mate was pointing at. His brothers pups, Finley, Maeve, and Eleanor, and their twin pups, Keaton, and Amelia, were playing.

"She may not look like her, but they share the same name and personality. Our daughter even has Light pack strengthened powers, unlike Keaton who has Smoke pack powers," Aaliyah said as Amelia mocked Keaton. "Amelia Griffin is in our daughter, helping her live and strive."

Archie nodded and leaned his head against Aaliyah's stomach. "I would never change our lives, but if I had a chance, I would bring my best friend back. I still sometimes look over to my side expecting her to be there to help me. I miss being called a goofball when I act stupid. I miss her."

"I know, love," Aaliyah whispered hugging him. "But she is still with you. In your heart, in your memories, and in our daughter."

At Heart pack

"Cooper sit down already and rest," Braxton pleaded. Serenity laughed as Cooper shook his head and ignored Braxton's pleads.

"Sit down you stubborn butt," Serenity said grabbing Cooper's arm and leading him to the Healer bed. "You're worrying your mate."

"Yeah you stubborn butt," Astrid yelled as she chased her younger sister, Thea, around.

"Look what you taught her," Cooper said glaring at Serenity. "I'm never going to hear the end of how I'm a stubborn butt."

"Well, you are one, so don't blame it on me. Now how are you feeling?" She asked feeling Cooper's stomach.

"Pretty sure that's not your job, Ms. Serenity," Healer Eric said walking in. He dodged Astrid and Thea as they ran out of the office, their blond hair flying behind them. "My have they gotten taller. Now hands off my patient."

"Yeah, yeah," Serenity mumbled rolling her eyes. She sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"5th pregnancy must be rough," Eric whispered laying his hands on either side of Cooper's stomach. "Which reminds me, are you and Mary planning to have another one? Like your brother?"

"Oh, hell no," Serenity said shaking her head. "After 3 months ago, never again."

"Hey, let's get one thing straight. I was not planning on having another one after Holden," Cooper said glaring at Braxton. "And then we had Daphne, and now this one."

"Wait how is that my fault?" Braxton asked defensibly.

"Never said it was," Cooper said with a smirk.

"Speak of Mary and my pups. I should probably go and make sure they aren't raiding the kitchen again," Serenity said standing up. "Let me know the gender when you're done."

"Alright," Cooper whispered. Serenity nodded and left the Healers' office.

"Get back here you thief," Mary yelled from the hallway. Serenity stepped into the hallway that leads to the kitchen to see Mary chasing after her brother.

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