It's been two days!

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Archie's POV

"It's been two days!" Miles snarled slamming his hands on the table. Channing whimpered and buried his face into Ford's neck. Ford's muscles tensed up, but he surprisingly didn't growl.

"Miles-," Amelia started. She looked so tired. 'I don't think she's slept the past two days,' I thought sadly. 'Miles has been too pushy on her,' Elektra growled.

"No, we need to find them!" Miles yelled cutting her off. I stood up growling as Amelia whined.

"Miles stop!" I snarled stepping in between Amelia and Miles. "We are trying our hardest to find them. But you pushing at us 24/7 doesn't help. Look at Amelia she looks like she hasn't slept since they were taken. And Channing hasn't talked since then either because he's too scared to. Ford won't look any of us in the eye unless it's to glare at us. So, stop it and pull yourself together. You yelling and growling isn't going to bring them back. If we work together, we will go farther."

Miles growled and left the room. I sighed and turned towards the others. "Amelia go sleep please, you need it," I whispered worriedly. She looked away from me and left. Ford smiled slightly and picked Channing up as he stood up.

"Thank you," Ford whispered leaving.

I sat down and sighed again. 'I feel like I'm not part of this team anymore. I should have never been chosen,' I thought sadly.

'Archie don't say that. I chose you for a reason. It might not seem like it yet, but you have your part in the team,' Moon said . I jumped in surprise. 'Your time will come, little one.'

I smiled sadly and shook my head. 'Whatever you say Moon.'

Miles' POV

"They know nothing," I growled punching the wall. I sighed and pulled my hand out of the new hole in the wall as a shot of pain ran through my back again. It's not my pain, it's Ashur's. 'We need to get to him and stop his pain,' Thor whimpered. 'I know, I know,' I sighed.

"Miles, I'm sorry about Archie. I'll take a few Light pack wolves to search for James' pack," Amelia whispered hanging her head. I felt guilty as I noticed the dark rings under her eyes.

"No, he's right,' I said hugging her. She yelped in surprise. "You go sleep for as long as you need."

"What about you?" She asked pulling away from me. I looked at the hole in the wall as another shot of pain run through my arms.

"I'll take the next search later tonight," I whispered looking back over at her.

"Miles, I know you feel his pain," She said worriedly. I just shook my head.

"It's only him getting hurt. Mary said she hasn't felt any pain from Serenity. I'm going to go now," I said pushing past her. She grabbed my arm stopping me.

"If you find James' pack, you are to come back and get us. No matter what, okay? We can't have you trying to get them by yourself. You are strong, don't get me wrong, but that's a whole pack of rogues. One against who knows how many won't have the best outcome," Amelia growled.

"Alright, I won't do anything stupid," I sighed.

"Also, no pups. I know you'll want to take your most trusted pack members. But no pups. Not even Scarlett."

"Fine, I'll find other people who I trust enough to take with me you bossy woman. And don't forget you're technically a pup still also," I said walking away with a smirk.

"You know why I say no pups! So, don't try to use my words against me!" She yelled after me. I laughed and kept walking.

Ashur's POV

'Hello,' A pup said to me touching his nose to mine. I opened my eyes to see one of Fritz's pups. 'I'm Clove.'

'You shouldn't talk to me pup. Go along now and play with your brother before you're caught,' I whispered looking around at the other rogues. They haven't noticed him talking to me yet.

'You seem really nice though. Can you play with me?' He asked happily. I shook my head and pushed him away from me.

'They'll hurt you if you talk to me, so please leave pup,' I whined trying to get him to go away before someone noticed.

'But-,' Clove started. James snarled from somewhere nearby. I got up quickly and stood over Clove as James made his way over.

"What is going on over here? I said no one could talk to you unless I said they could," James growled. Clove whimpered and cowered beneath me.

'He's a pup, James. He doesn't know better,' I growled. I noticed Fritz staring over at us in horror. 'I won't let James hurt him,' I mind linked to Fritz. He looked surprised that I had a mind link with him, but he nodded and looked away.

"Well he'll know better after this!" James snarled trying to grab Clove. I laid carefully over Clove, keeping him out of James' grasp. "Give me the pup, Ashur!"

'No because I called him over. It's my fault he talked to me. Punish me not him,' I growled. Fritz looked back over in worry. 'No don't get yourself hurt because Clove was stupid,' He mind linked to me. I glared at him.

'Do you want Clove to be killed?' I asked him in bewilderment. Fritz wouldn't meet my eyes. 'That's what I thought. I rather get hurt than Clove being killed.'

"You're too nice, Ashur," James chuckled. Clove whimpered and pressed himself into my stomach. I then noticed a woman struggling to hold Caspar back.

'Fritz go to Caspar,' I whispered. He looked over at Caspar and shook his head. 'Do it. Just because they don't know you are their father doesn't mean their wolves don't know. You going over there will calm him down. Just act like you're trying to help her hold him back.'

"Well Ashur, you get your wish. You will take his punishment," James growled when I didn't answer him.

'Pup go to your brother and Fritz. I'll make sure James doesn't hurt you,' I whispered to Clove as James picked me up by the back of my neck. Clove looked up at me fearfully and whined.

'No!' He growled as he tried to get to me.

'Serenity keep him here,' I ordered her. She nodded and grabbed Clove carefully to keep him from going after me.

"Let's go now, Ashur," James purred into my ear. I growled in disgust and looked away from him. "I know exactually what your punishment will be." 

The Six packs (The War) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now