Damn it Ashur!

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Serenity's POV

"Heal him," James growled throwing Ashur into our building. I quickly ran to his side to find him covered in blood.

'What did you do to him this time?' I asked worriedly as I shifted back into human form. I brushed my hands through his blood covered fur trying to locate any major wounds to heal first. "If you keep doing this, one day he won't heal properly."

"Not my problem, if he keeps fighting me and protecting pups," James said shrugging. I growled as he left.

"Damn it Ashur! Was that pup worth it!?" I snarled as I found a deep gash on his stomach. "Miles can feel when you get hurt, his going through as much pain as you are..."

'Of course, the pup was worth it,' Ashur whispered. 'I rather die than watch a pup being killed. And Miles will be fine, he has felt me in pain before. It lets him know that I'm alright and not dead.'

"You're so stupid," I mumbled.

"Ashur?" That rogue from the first day asked from the door. I growled warningly. Ashur shifted even though he was in pain.

"Yes, Fritz," Ashur whispered trying to get up. I held him down and snarled.

"Don't you even think about getting up, stupid asshole," I growled. Ashur sighed and stopped trying to get up.

"I just wanted to say thank you for protecting Clove. You have my trust and loyalty from this day on. I follow your orders from now on," Fritz said. 'Wow, Nova tamed a rogue,' Adolpha said in amazement.

"Don't thank me Fritz, it was my pleasure," Ashur whispered as he winced in pain. 'It will always be your pleasure to get hurt,' I thought rolling my eyes. I started examining his wounds again. "Go back to Clove and Caspar. You should tell you who you are to them. No more hiding from the pain."

"Alright, Alpha," Fritz whispered before leaving.

"How in the hell did you do that?" I asked bewildered as I started healing the gash on his stomach.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to relax his muscles.

"He's a rogue, how did you tame him?"

"I didn't tame him. That makes him sound like a cold-blooded animal. I gained his trust, and I showed him my loyalty. Something he hasn't had in a long time."

"Explain more. And he's a rogue, most rogues are cold-blooded animals."

"As you said most rogues. He's from the Royal pack in Germany. He got stuck here the last time the Royal pack visited, and James' father forced him to join this pack. Fritz then met Clove and Caspar's mother and fell in love. A year later she gave birth to the twins, and then disappeared. In shock and grief, Fritz gave Clove and Caspar to her sister and hasn't told the twins about him being their father," Ashur explained. I looked at him in shock. "Everyone has their own story, you of all people should know that."

"No actually, you of all people should know that. And you do because of your life and the things you've gone through. I've lived a pretty normal life with a very protective family who won't let me out of their sight," I said as Ashur hissed in pain. "Serves you right, stupid. So, don't hiss or growl at me because it hurts. You brought this upon yourself."

"Whatever," He whispered looking away. I just shook my head and kept on healing his wounds.

Miles' POV

'This is where I found him after the year he ran away,' I said to the four a brought with me. Anna, a 19-year-old Alpha, Nathen, Isla, and Joshua, Scarlett's mate. I barely was able to get out of the house without Scarlett noticing. I even had to ask Mom to distract her from finding out. I'm going to be so dead when I get back.

'What did Ashur say about where the rogue pack was located?' Joshua asked sniffing at the bush I crept out of before talking to Ashur.

'5 miles north from here,' I answered.

'Well north is that way,' Nathen said pointing in the opposite direction of the bush.

'Alright, let's go,' I said heading in that directions.

'So, have you heard anything else from Ashur,' Joshua asked trotting to my side.

'No, I haven't,' I whispered. Joshua nodded. 'But he's fine.'

'How to you know?'

'He's in pain.'

'What?! How does that make him alright?' Joshua asked in bewilderment. I chuckled.

'Because that means he's not dead. And he's still with James and nowhere else,' I answered shaking my head at Joshua's bewilderment. 'We decided when he got back that if James every captured him, he would get hurt daily so I know that he was still alive and still with James.'

'You do realize that if he died you would now because it would feel like a knife was cutting through your heart, right?'

'No, I didn't know that. How do you know that?'

'My mother was an Alpha while my father was an Omega. When my father died, my mom felt just that. Years later she told me about the feeling and what it meant,' Joshua whispered. 'It's crazy that my soulmate relationship is the same as my parents' relationship. Well except for the fact that my mother was older than my father.'

'Owen expected you as Scarlett's Omega. He approved before he died. And I approve too. Age doesn't matter and it's not our choice for who our soulmates are,' I said stopping. He looked at me in surprise and stopped too. 'You can be marked by Scarlett whenever you two are ready. It shouldn't have been his choice about your soulmate bond. Of course, Scarlett was still too young to mark when you found out, but Dad did say he would never allow it. He realized his mistake, and he allows it.'

'Thank you,' Joshua whispered nodding. I smiled and started walking again.

'You're welcome. Now let's go find that rogue pack.' 

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