I'm so mad at you!

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Channing's POV

"Babe it's time to get up," Ford whispered pulling the covers off me.

"Why?" I asked closing my eyes tightly.

"Miles called a meeting," Ford answered opening one of the dresser drawers.

"Really?!" I asked getting up quickly. Ford nodded and threw some clothes onto the bed. "It's been a while since he has called a meeting, Amelia or Archie have been calling meetings lately."

"I know. Maybe he found some more information on James," Ford whispered turning towards me.

"Or maybe Ashur..." I mumbled. Ford sighed and hugged me.

"He'll come back when he is ready. He's strong enough to take care of himself."

"I know that, but I miss him."

At the meeting place

"Miles what's this meeting for?" Amelia asked crossing her arms.

"You'll see soon," Miles answered. Riley was tightly hugging his side with a big smile.

'Well Riley knows what's going on,' Rolo commented.

"I got some inside information on James," Miles said. We all perked up.

"From whom?" Serenity asked.

"Moon Shadow," Miles answered. Ford laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked looking up at him.

"Do you actually know who Moon Shadow really is?" Ford asked Miles.

"You knew?" Miles growled.

"I guessed," Ford said shrugging.

"Wait a second, what are you two talking about?" Archie asked.

'They're talking about me.' Ashur's voice made me yelp. 'I knew you would yelp Alex.'

"Where are you?" Serenity asked. Ashur trotted out of the woods.

'I'm back...' Ashur said sitting down next to Miles. I started crying and ran to him. 'Hey, don't cry Alex.'

"I'm so mad at you!" I growled as I hugged him. Serenity joined the hug quickly.

'We can't protect you if you run,' Serenity whimpered. The others looked confused. She must have said that in the main mind link.

'You don't need to protect me anymore,' Ashur whispered.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what information did Moon Shadow give you and why should we believe the rogue anyways?" Archie asked.

"Dude old rogue standing right here," Ford said pointing to himself.

"Right, I forgot, but still. Moon Shadow could be working for James," Archie said.

"You're stupid," Amelia grumbled as Ford and Miles laughed.

"How am I stupid this time?" Archie asked bewildered.

'Because I'm Moon Shadow,' Ashur answered. Archie looked at him shocked.

"But Moon Shadow steals from the packs," Archie mumbled.

'I only did that once. I was hungry and needed something better to wear than the crop top I was asked to wear before I ran away...' Ashur whispered looking away. Miles growled warningly at Archie. 'Miles don't.'

"So why are you still in Cerberus' form?" I asked.

"He decided it would be a smart idea to stay in that form all year," Miles growled.

'Shut up you big baby,' Ashur growled back. Riley whimpered.

"Hey where's Amy?" Ford asked noticing she wasn't here.

'She wants nothing to do with me at the moment,' Ashur explained. Ford nodded slightly.

"Can you try to change back?" Serenity asked.

'Sure. But you need to let go of me,' Ashur said nudging my arm. Serenity and I quickly let go of him.

"Right," Serenity mumbled. Ashur's body began to shake and quiver.

"Ashur stop you're going to push your body past it's limit," Miles growled after a few seconds of Ashur shaking. Riley whimpered and ran to Ashur.

'Dad please stop,' He whimpered hugging Ashur.

"Ashur!" We all yelled as Ashur's body went limb. 

The Six packs (The War) Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora