I'm happy for you, but I love you

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Two months later

Amelia's POV

"You wanted to talk?" I asked as Archie joined me at the gathering field.

"You won't believe what happened," He said with his big goofy smile.

"What, you goofball?" I said trying to hide my smile.

"I figured out who my soulmate is," He said happily as he bounced from one foot to the other. I stopped smiling. 'He's not my soulmate,' I thought. Flare whined. "Her name is Aaliyah Smith and she's a Delta. She's super nice and funny. She doesn't know yet, but in a few days, she'll turn 18. I think I should wait 'til then. Do you think so too? ... Amelia?"

"Huh?" I asked breaking out of my spacing. Archie was looking at me worriedly. "Sorry I spaced out. What did you ask?"

"Do you think I should wait a few days to tell her?"

"You do you. It's your choice," I answered shrugging. "I've got to get back to Light pack."

"I know you're lying, you said you were free all day when I asked to meet up," Archie said blocking me from leaving. "Why are you acting like this? Aren't you happy for me?"

"I'm happy for you," I whispered not meeting his eyes. 'But I love you,' I thought bitterly.



"There's a but at the end of that sentence."

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't say it, but you trailed off like you were going to say it," Archie explained.

"It doesn't matter," I growled crossing my arms.

"It does matter, Amelia. You're my best friend, the one I trust with everything. I'm your best friend, you should be able to trust me with everything. Tell me why you were going to say but at the end of that sentence."

"I can't tell you! Okay? I can't tell you..." I growled as tears started running down my cheeks.

"Why not?" Archie asked his brown eyes softening.

"Because I die during the war. I protect all of you by sacrificing myself. And I'm protecting your happiness by not telling you what I'm thinking," I snarled backing away from him.

"We don't know if you actually die," Archie whispered grabbing my arm to stop me from backing up more.

"We won't know until I die. It's stupid to think that sacrifices doesn't mean death. I want you all to be prepared if I do, so we should act like I could die today. And if sacrifices doesn't mean death, then we'll go on with our lives with me alive."

"At the end of the war will you tell me why but?" He asked grabbing my other arm so I would face him.

"No," I whispered staring into his eyes.

"Why though?" He whined.

"Because I will not ruin your happiness. Because I need to protect you," I whispered. Archie shook his head and kissed my forehead. I froze. "You know what I say you tell her today."

"What?" He asked in surprised.

"Go tell her right now. If she doesn't believe you than she'll figure it out in a few days, and then believe you. But who couldn't believe you?" I said pulling my arms away from him.

"But-," He started stepping towards me.

"Go now," I said pushing him in the direction of his pack house. "Tell her before you regret it."

The Six packs (The War) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now