CH 5

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"You know, I've never actually been in your apartment before." Derek looked around; the place wasn't spacious but not cramped, either. "How many bedrooms?" He craned his head and grinned at Bailey.

"Just one." Bailey dropped his keys and phone on the coffee table in front of the sofa and brushed up against Derek, nibbling his earlobe. "But I'm hospitable... I'll share my bed with you."

"Yeah?" Derek grabbed him and toppled them both onto the sofa, laughing. "I think I might like it here." He wrestled Bailey beneath him and grinned down at the guy. "I may never want to leave."

Bailey chuckled as his hands went up inside Derek's shirt. "Who knows... maybe I won't ask you to."

"Boy, wouldn't Lucas love that?"

Bailey shrugged. "What's he going to do about it—spank us?"

"Fuck, I hope so." Derek clutched his head, kissing him hard.

"Mm." Bailey ran his hands up and down Derek's back beneath his shirt. "Why don't we pause and get you settled in before we kick the party into full swing?"

Derek groaned and reluctantly lifted off him. "All right, if you insist."

Crawling off the sofa, Bailey scooped up Derek's bag. "I'll put this in the bedroom."

"Okay." Derek sagged against the back of the sofa, letting out a long breath. His eyes lowered, coming to rest on Bailey's cell phone. He'd left his phone with the twins when he came in town. Even with Bailey as a chaperone, he still didn't trust himself not to call. Staring at Bailey's cell, though, it occurred to him that any phone could be used to make that call.

Show some restraint. Put him out of your mind for now.

Bailey returned from the bedroom and entered the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge. He rejoined Derek on the sofa and handed him a bottle. "So... what's on your mind?"

Derek tipped the bottle to his lips, downed a couple of swallows, and smiled. "You, naked, in my lap."

"Uh-huh." Bailey took a drink and smiled. "You're lying."

"Lying about what?"

"About what you were thinking just now when I came in."

"And what do you think I was thinking?"

Bailey pointed at his cell. "I saw you eyeing my phone."

"Was not," Derek mumbled with a smirk.

Bailey laughed. "Was to." He nudged Derek, his smile softening. "So, you really like this guy, huh?"

"Seems that way."

"So, why aren't you calling him? I'm not totally clear on this."

Derek sighed and explained to the best of his ability, no longer certain that waiting was the best option.

"Gideon probably has the right idea," Bailey said and smiled, "but I don't know if I could hold out. That first time meeting Lucas..." Both young men sobered recalling the tragic circumstances surrounding that meeting. "... I wasn't sure about dating a porn star or if we'd have sex one time and that would be it. All I knew was that I needed to see him again—as soon as possible. A part of me was scared to death where it might take me—take us—but I couldn't resist. I knew nothing about Lucas other than he was gorgeous as fuck and he made my heart go crazy the first time I looked in those sexy blue eyes, but I was willing to take that leap and risk everything on the chance that it was true love."

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Where stories live. Discover now