CH 21

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One week following the fundraiser, Gideon met with Pastor Keller. Patrick went with him but offered little input as the two men discussed investment and sponsor options. He tried to pay attention, but his mind kept skipping ahead to what would come after the meeting—and it had him tied in knots.

Halfway through the meeting, Patrick excused himself and went outside and sat on the front steps. He played every possible scenario through his head and they all ended badly; he couldn't imagine a positive outcome.

Gideon emerged from the church twenty minutes later.

"How did it go?" Patrick asked as they walked to the car.

"Good. My check will cover the down payment on the school and the fundraiser money will go toward repairs until we can get an expense account set up. I'll contact the guys in New York and see if they're willing to contribute." He smiled at Patrick. "They will."

"That's great." Patrick tried to put enthusiasm into his voice—he was excited—but more immediate, pressing matters occupied his mind.

"Ready for this?" Gideon asked when they were inside the car.

"Not really. But..." He shrugged.

"It'll be all right," Gideon assured as he backed the car out of the parking space.

"Yeah," Patrick whispered, unable to summon the same optimism as Gideon.

Gideon reached over and patted his shoulder. "It will, son."

Son. It felt good to hear affection in the voice calling him son. He hadn't heard it in his own father's voice for a long time.

When they pulled up in front of his parents' home, nausea set in. The last time he'd seen his father was at the restaurant—and he'd been angrier than Patrick had ever seen him. He'd thought about bringing Derek along but thought the sight of him might set his dad off, and he was hoping for this to go as smoothly as possible. But he wasn't comfortable coming here alone. Gideon was the obvious alternative.

"Is that your dad's truck?" Gideon nodded at the pickup with metal racks parked beside the Trans Am.

"Yeah. I figured he'd be home, he doesn't usually work on Saturdays."

"And your mom?"

"I don't see her car."

Gideon tugged the keys from the ignition. "Well, let's see if we can reason with the man."

Patrick had strong doubts, but Gideon was a smart and likable man—maybe he could find his dad's good side and get on it.

They walked to the front door and Patrick thought about just going inside but chose to use the doorbell instead. He stepped back a fraction and stood directly beside Gideon. It seemed ironic that he felt safer with a porn boss than he did his Christian father. But then if his father acted like a real Christian—he wouldn't be afraid of him.

Footsteps approached from inside and Patrick instinctively inched back a bit more. He'd stood up to his father plenty of times—even at the restaurant—but his dad had still scared him that day.

The door opened and Alan Weber's focus went first to Gideon. "Hello, can I help..." His words clamped off when he realized who was standing with Gideon. "Patrick?"

"Dad," Patrick said. "I came for my car. You can take it off your insurance, but I own the car. You have no right to keep it." He cleared his throat as his dad just stared at him, emotionless. "And I want my money, too. I earned it. It's mine. Just write me a check or whatever, and I'll take it out of your account."

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Where stories live. Discover now