CH 7

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"What're you doing here so early?" Nicky draped himself sexily against the bar, his fingertips teasing the nape of Derek's neck.

Abandoning the hard shots, Derek currently nursed a glass of beer. "Feeling sorry for myself."

"Oh, a pity party," Nicky cooed. "Am I invited?"

Derek laughed low. "Sure, why not?"

The young stripper pushed off the bar and wrapped his arms around Derek, nuzzling his ear. "Did someone do you wrong? Tell me who and I'll kick his butt."

Shaking his head, Derek murmured, "If you saw his butt—the last thing you'd want to do is kick it."

"Mm. That nice, huh?"

Sighing, Derek shrugged. "Honestly, I didn't get that close a look, but considering the rest of him... yeah, I'm guessing that nice."

"Why didn't you get a closer look?" Nicky smiled. "That's not like you."

"Wasn't my choice," he mumbled, sipping his drink. "Guess he just wasn't into me—and sure a shit didn't want me in him."

Nicky pffted. "Whatever. I've never seen anyone turn you down."

"Then you should've been there Saturday night." Derek dumped half the glass down his throat. "You would've seen it then."

Tightening his arms, Nicky huffed. "What's wrong with this guy?"

Are you ready for this? "He's a gay Christian who believes he has to remain celibate his entire life if he wants to get into heaven."

Nicky frowned. "You're just fucking with me, right?"

Derek laughed low and humorlessly. "Nope." He finished off his beer.

"Holy shit." Nicky took the stool next to Derek. "You're serious?"

"As a heart attack."



"How can someone not have sex—ever?"

"I don't know." Derek sighed. "Maybe it's easier when you've never fucked in the first place."

"He's a virgin?"

"I'm assuming so."

"I didn't know they still existed." Nicky shook his head. "At least not gay male virgins. It's in our unique genetic makeup to fuck." He chuckled. "Right?"

Derek nodded. "I'd go along with that."

"Well, yeah." Nicky snorted. "You're a stripper and a porn star—your entire existence is fucking men. Could you imagine cutting sex out of your life—what would be the fucking point of living?"

"I don't know," Derek whispered as Patrick's sweet face hovered behind his eyes, tormenting him.

"Well, if that guy doesn't want you, it just leaves more of you for the rest of us." Nicky traced a fingertip along Derek's forearm. "Why don't we grab a private booth and see if we can kick this pity party into full swing?" He leaned forward and kissed Derek on the mouth. "By the time we're finished, the only one you'll pity is the fool who let you get away." Nicky dropped his hand to Derek's leg and ran his palm along his inner thigh and deep into his crotch. "What do you say, baby?"

To Derek's own shock—he hesitated.

What're you waiting for? Fuck him—it'll make you feel better.

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Where stories live. Discover now