CH 20

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When Derek and Patrick returned from their morning jog, Gideon immediately sensed the change in the two young men—before he noticed the hand holding. Whatever had happened out there in the woods, Gideon took it to be a good thing. A very good thing.

Both boys appeared to walk with a little more spring in their step and breathe a little easier. If it had been anyone else who'd gone on the run with Derek, he would've guessed sex. But with Patrick as his running partner, that was highly unlikely.

The young men joined Gideon in the kitchen and Derek reluctantly released Patrick's hand to fetch cold drinks from the fridge.

"You two look bright and chipper this morning," Gideon observed, leaning on the counter as he scribbled in his checkbook.

Derek and Patrick exchanged a smile that alluded strongly to a shared secret.

Maybe it was sex, Gideon mused, not truly believing it.

"We raced to the end of the path." Derek guzzled a bottle of water. "Patrick kicked my butt. He's got the legs of a gazelle, I swear."

Patrick smiled and twisted the cap off his water, taking a drink. "I think you were holding back."

"No, no." Derek laughed. "I was running my heart out. In more ways than one." He shook his head. "I could barely breathe by the time we reached the end of the path."

Observing the two, Gideon wondered if he'd ran his heart out in other ways as well. A transformation had certainly taken place.

"What're you doing?" Derek nodded at the checkbook.

Gideon signed the check and tugged it loose from the book—and handed it to Patrick.

Startled, Patrick looked at the check. "The Haven House project," he murmured. He fell silent, eyes widening. "Fifty-thousand dollars?" he breathed, looking up.

"Serious?" Derek stepped over and took the check. "Damn, boss. I knew you said you wanted to donate to the project, but—whoa."

Gideon smiled. "That's just to get the ball rolling," he said. "I would actually be willing to invest in the project, help set up an expense account for repairs and upkeep. I have a few connections and am fairly confident I can turn up more donors and investors."

Derek squinted. "Are you thinking New York donors and investors?"

Nodding, Gideon confirmed, "I am." They had forged strong ties with the young men who had visited a while back from the Phoenix Club in New York. And the man they worked for—Max Raines—had a soft heart for wayward kids and young adults in need of a safe place to call home. Gideon was confident the man would eagerly get behind a project such as this—and likely had ties to others who would gladly extend a helping hand in one way or another.

Patrick teared up. "I-I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." Gideon walked over and affectionately squeezed his shoulder. "We're all here on this earth to help each other however we can. I've been blessed financially and I'm glad to pay it forward to those who need it."

Patrick blinked, quickly wiping away a stray tear. "Thank you."

. . .

His nerves got the better of him as he sat in the passenger seat of Derek's car. A steady flood of people—most of whom sported some form of rainbow attire—flowed around the booths. It was a larger turnout than Patrick had expected. Despite the hate and bigotry that continued to run rampant through the world... the gathering here today reminded him that good and caring people made up the world as well.

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Where stories live. Discover now