CH 13

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Derek was up at the crack of dawn having barely gotten two or three hours of sleep throughout the night. His mind had refused to turn off and let him get some rest. All night long, he played scenario after scenario through his head, imagining all the different ways his next meeting with Patrick might go. Each scenario ultimately turned into a fantasy—all of which ended with Patrick in Derek's bed.

It wouldn't happen that way, of course—Derek knew that. But he couldn't help fantasizing.

Maybe he shouldn't, though. He didn't need those images in his head when he saw Patrick again. He needed control.

Derek dressed in a sweatsuit and sneakers, then headed out the rear of the house for a run through the woods. The crisp morning air filled his lungs and nipped a bit at his face. The chill would burn off soon enough.

With his phone strapped to his arm, feeding him music through the Bluetooth earbuds, Derek entered the trees along the well-kept path. The thick boughs overhead blocked out most of the gray morning light, maintaining a nightly atmosphere within the woods. His eyes quickly adjusted to the thick gloom as he broke into a jog.

Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" blasted through his head, pumping into his feet as he picked up speed. He imagined Patrick beside him, keeping pace. On their date, Patrick had listed jogging as one of the things he liked to do. Also swimming and working out. Patrick was hardly a "beefcake" but his muscles appeared nicely toned. Not that Derek had gotten a close look. But he had taken note of the way Patrick's clothes fit him, his shirt stretched snug across his chest and shoulders, his pants hugging him nicely in all the right places.

A shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the chilly morning air skittered through Derek. He shouldn't be thinking about those things—it would make it more difficult for him to keep his cool when he was near Patrick. And he needed to keep his cool—in every sense of the word. If he looked at Patrick like he wanted to devour him, the boy would send him packing.

If you can't respect the situation, then you need to walk away now.

He would respect it. Every second he was away from Patrick, he may have to "work out" his needs, but while in Patrick's company... he would show him utter respect.

Saturday couldn't come fast enough. These next couple of days would be hell. He didn't know what to do with himself over the next forty-eight hours. Living in a house full of sexy porn stars, the solution should be obvious. Problem was—since he'd turned down Nicky at the club yesterday, sex with anyone but Patrick suddenly didn't appeal to him. He didn't know how that was possible—as he still found the guys of the house smoking hot and incredibly fuckable.

What if things didn't work out with Patrick? It scared him a little that he might not recover his sexually promiscuous behavior. He didn't want to be alone and lacking a sex drive.

Never fear—the twins will always be there to revive your love of sex.

. . .

"Who called?" Patrick asked when Brian walked into the living room.

Brian shrugged. "One of the kids from youth group asking about the fundraiser." He sat at the opposite end of the sofa and picked up the TV remote, turning on the set. "There has to be something to watch."

It wasn't someone from youth group that called. Brian lied to him. Patrick had the sick feeling it was his dad on the other end of that call.

"So, how are things with you, Patrick?" Robby leaned against the archway separating the kitchen and living room, coffee cup in hand.

"I don't know," Patrick mumbled and looked dully at Brian. "Why don't you ask Brian?"

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu