CH 19

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"Did you sleep okay?" Derek knelt on the grass and tied his shoe.

"Yeah." Patrick zipped up the thin jacket he'd gotten from Derek. "Better than I have all week."

Smiling up at him, Derek said, "Well, the room is yours for as long as you want it." He stood and began stretching his arms and legs. Patrick joined him.


Derek jogged in place for a couple of minutes, sucking his lungs full of the crisp morning air. "Ready?"


They took off with Derek leading the way along the path through the woods. Patrick caught up and kept pace beside him.

"You were right," Patrick said, "it's really beautiful out here."

"I love it."

They picked up speed as they passed by the area with the fallen logs. Patrick was light on his feet and showed no signs of lagging behind.

"Wanna race?" Derek grinned.

Patrick nodded and the two burst forward. Familiarity with the path afforded Derek zero leverage as Patrick began to pull ahead by a few paces. Shit—the boy was as quick and limber as a damned deer. And he showed no mercy, making no pretense to slow down a bit for Derek's sake—and Derek fucking loved it. The boy had spirit and drive. Fucking sexy.

By the time they reached the end of the path, Derek had managed to keep right on Patrick's heels but couldn't quite catch him.

"Damn." Derek laughed when they slowed to a stop. He bent over, gripped his knees, and swallowing gulps of air. "You're freaking fast."

Patrick grinned, panting—but not nearly as hard as Derek. "You probably let me win."

"No." Derek breathed heavily and straightened, feeling the flush in his cheeks. "I was running as fast as I could." He held up two fingers and tapped them to his heaving chest. "Scout's honor. I mean, hell—you're hardly out of breath. You probably held yourself back so I could at least feel like I was keeping up."

Patrick laughed softly. "No, I was running full out."

"Good to know." Derek exhaled hard. "Now I don't feel like such an out of shape wuss."

"You're hardly out of shape."

"Yeah, well... compared to you, though." He chuckled. Taking a few more deep breaths, he squinted. "Mind if we walk back? At least, part of the way?"

Another soft laugh from Patrick tickled Derek's insides. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind."

The young man went quiet as they started back, his brow creased in thought. After a few minutes of silence, Derek asked, "Are you okay? You got all quiet there."

Patrick nodded. "Yeah, I was... I was just thinking... all my stuff is at my parents' house. Most of it is replaceable if they decide to get rid of it, but not..." He sighed. "Not my guitar. It's the first one I ever owned and has sentimental value."

"You play the guitar?"


"Wow, that's awesome. Mickey will be thrilled."

Patrick smiled. "Why is that?"

"He writes songs. And he really wants to learn the guitar."



"I've never taught anyone to play," Patrick admitted. "But I'd be glad to try."

Derek chuckled. "Good enough. And Mickey, that boy is smart as a whip. He just needs some guidance and I'm positive he'll master it in no time."

Fallen Hearts: Fallen Book 2 (a Boys of Porn novella)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя