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So in the end Brooke and Jake ended up together. It took a little bit of work, but Ryan and Brianna fell in love. Of course there were many bumps in the road, but that's life right? As for Missy well she ended up dating Daniel that jerk who tried to beat up Ryan. He got her pregnant at 15 and she dropped out of school no ones heard from her since. Ciara lost connections with her brother, but became closer with the gang. She's still single, but it's fine she'll find someone. Justin ended up marrying Lindsay and having a little girl Aimee. Zoey ended up marrying a great guy Dylan. They ended up having twin girls Felicia and Juliette. Maya and Lucas are still madly in love. Maya had her baby in April it was a little boy Carson Michael. Faith and Clay are just now starting to guide through their new lives. I might end up writing a sequel about Faith and Clay, but I'm not positive. Thank you guys for reading my first book! I'll never forget Brooke, Ryan, Brianna, Jake or any of the other characters in this story:)

One Step At A Time(Girl Meets World) <FIRST STORY EVER WROTE>Where stories live. Discover now