Chapter 1.

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"He keeps denying it Asahi but how could it not be true! He's always surrounded by every single female at this school! H-how could I trust him anymore?"

I exclaimed, crying on the phone with my best friend. Asahi and I have been friends since we were kids. We went to the same middle school but ended up going to different high schools. We stayed in touch as much as we could.

He went off to Karasuno while I went to Aobajohsai. That's where I met my boyfriend, Tooru Oikawa. Tooru is the type of guy who is super confident especially when it's about volleyball. That's what attracted me so much to him. The problem is, he has a group of fan girls that literally throw themselves at him multiple times a day. Even while I was around. I've told him multiple times how uncomfortable it makes me. It hurts seeing it happen in front of me all the time. He just keeps making excuses and telling me it's nothing to get worked up about. But then people start spreading rumors that he's cheating and he's leaving me for someone else. How could I handle this type of relationship anymore?

"(Y/N) please try to calm down. You sound like you're hyperventilating! Do you want me to come there? I'll come bring some snacks and we can just watch some movies and get your mind off everything.." I shook my head, knowing he couldn't see my actions. " you have practice tonight don't you? It's fine. I just..I just needed to talk to someone. You're the only real friend I have anymore Asahi.." I said, tears rolling down my face. "It's just...he just keeps flirting with them in front of me. I can't take this anymore. I..I think I need to leave. Maybe I'll come there with you and finish my third year. I just want to stop feeling less than I am. I don't deserve this...."

Asahi sighed sadly through the phone. "(Y/N)..I think if you're that upset then maybe you should transfer here. I'll talk to your parents with you. We have a spare room so you can stay with us instead of traveling back and forth. It's still early in the school year so it shouldn't be a problem." I nodded my head listening to him. My hand was covering my mouth to prevent further cries from escaping. Ever since this happened, it has taken such a toll on me mentally and physically.

In the beginning, Tooru was such an amazing boyfriend. We've been dating for almost two years! And just..out of no where..he..changed. I don't know if it's because of the stress from wanting to go to nationals this year but all I knew was I didn't deserve this pain any longer. I love him. But I need to love me more.

"Ok. Let's do this Asahi."

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