chapter eleven

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Ron pov

I woke up in the hospital gripping Blaise's hand and blushed... I mean I've held his hand a lot this week but I fell asleep holding his hand. What does this mean, does he like me, I mean I kind of like him... but what if he doesn't like me. I shot out of thought when I heard Blaise laugh. "Like my hand Weasley?" I looked down to see I was squeezing and soon let go scared of hurting him. "Hey I was only joking... you can keep holding it if you feel safer" I quickly grabbed his hand again liking the warm electric feeling I felt from it. I looked up at him and smiled, he kissed my forehead and I fell slept again while Blaise played with my hair

Blaise shook me awake and whispered that I had to leave, I didn't want to but he said I was there all day. I left not wanting to leave, was he annoyed with me, maybe he doesn't like me. The fat lady asked me what was wrong when I got to the door, I just said that I was worried about a friend. She let me in and I walked to my dorm not talking to anyone. Hermione noticed me and ran up to the dorm. 

"Ron! What happened to Blaise?" I looked at her and teared up.

"He told me to leave... and I don't think he wants be to look after him anymore" Hermione looked at me before storming out of the room.

Hermione pov

I ran to the hospital wing, I need to talk to a certain slytherin.  I almost ran into Malfoy which made him say something and I didn't have the time. "Hey Granger... didn't think you would go see Blaise" I gave him a dirty look "I'm not going to be nice... he hurt Ron." I ran up the stairs to here Draco coming to make sure I don't kill him.

"Oh hey Hermione-"

"No don't you dare speak! You hurt Ron, he is actually crying because you are such a foul beast! You told Ron to leave the damn hospital wing for what? THE FERRET?! Because Ron is 10x  better, no offence Malfoy, but seriously Blaise. He only talks about you, he blushes whenever he sees you! No don't try to speak I'm not finished. If you had any brain you would realize this, Your damn girlfriend noticed before your blind dumbass. If you weren't already injured I would personally injure you, Malfoy I said I would never said I was going to sit down! Blaise I'm not allowing you to see him you can owl him but that's it! If I hear Ron talking about seeing you I will come up here and attack you. Have a good night." I walked away leaving both slytherins speechless. 

I walked back to the common room feeling accomplished, the fat lady asked where I was and I told her since I could trust her. "oh... and that's on period" I giggled and walked through the portrait hole soon running up to Ron who was now talking to Seamus and Dean, who were also in tears. 

"Hermione! What did you do?" Dean looked at me and I told them Ron cried a little more since he wasn't allowed to see him. I hugged him and apologized, I didn't mean to hurt him but it's for the best for... until he is heeled.


Its been a few days since I screamed at Blaise and I needed to tell him the plan. So during my free block instead of going to the library I went to Blaise, I asked if I could still talk to him and he was okay about it.

"I did that for my plan... Ron is a veela and I'm positive you are his mate, he said he feels an electric feeling whenever you guys touch and he feels calmer and safer around you. So if you guys kiss we will know for sure, I don't know how to do it though... and you need to like him too" He looked at me and I knew what he had to do

"I know what to do but not until I'm healed... and I'll need your help" We talked and got our plan.

Blaise pov

I have 2 more days until I'm allowed to leave the hospital wing, I've been here for 1 week and 5 days, Hermione comes over and gives me Ron's letters and we discuss my plan to kiss Ron. After I got out from the hospital Hermione would tell Ron and to meet her in the astronomy tower but he will meet me, I hope it will work since I really like him. Draco said it was great but he was barely listening since Potter was in the room, (He is starting to like him which is ironic since he hated him 7 months ago) 

Madame Pomphrey said I could leave early but be careful and I was not careful with anything so I stayed which why I'm in here for 2 more days. Which I didn't mind, of course I missed Ron's company but I just had to wait.

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