chapter one

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billie's pov

it all started when i got my first charge. two months before i turned sixteen.


i would've gotten aggravated assault, considering the dude's state when we were done. yet me being fifteen and the three other people i was with being charged as adults, they kinda just gave me a slap on the wrist. since we were also trying to rob the guy we beat up, we got sentenced to federal prison and not state prison.

a year of being in federal prison later, i was finally free again. just before my seventeenth birthday.

should've known that state of being free wouldn't last long.

it was a saturday night. i was partying, of course. i wasn't in no gang, but i ran with a pretty bad group of people. we had all been to prison together, caught charges together, or did illegal shit together. you could say we weren't the most law abiding citizens.

on that night, we were doing pretty normal stuff for a saturday night. drinking, smoking weed, the normal. sure, maybe i had a little bit of a drinking problem. never something i was worried about though.

the party got a little boring so i decided to leave, beer bottle in hand.

hoping in my sexy dodge challenger that i loved so very much, i started driving down the highway on my way back home. only thing is, i had no idea i had gotten on to the highway, going the opposite way. i was driving towards oncoming traffic. the alcohol had fucked with me so much, i didn't even realize until i rammed into one of those little border-walls on the highway. luckily i didn't fucking hit and kill anyone, but i totaled my car.

i also picked up my second and third, and fourth chargers.

underage drinking.

a DUI.

and reckless driving.

luckily my lawyer was able to save my ass. he got me parole for three months and a hefty fine, but that was better than what i was facing. i was facing seven to ten years in federal prison, and i really didn't wanna go.

i got a plea deal. if i pleaded guilty and signed some papers promising i'd go to AA meetings and rehab and shit, and that i got my license suspended for a year, that they'd let me off with three months of parole and a fine. once again, my age came in to save me. and my acting skills.

all i had to say was, "i'm so so so sorry!! i never drink. i barley ever even drive!! i had no idea what happened until i crashed. i'm a good kid! i swear it'll never happen again." and they ate it all up.

after that, i continued to rack up multiple charges and continued to commit crimes.

driving on a suspended license.

shoplifting .

another two charges of assault on two different occasions.

the most recent charge is the charge that i just caught, about half an hour ago. drug possession and drug distribution. my lawyer told me on the phone that the drug distribution charge will probably be thrown out since the cops didn't actively see my selling anything.

"billie o'connell?" an officer asks me as i sit in the police station lobby, waiting to get my paper work done and to get booked.

"mhm." i say, getting up and walking over to the female officer who's gonna pat me down, search me and then have me give her my information and shit. this is by far the most boring part of being in jail.

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