The Start Of My Journey

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I had always smiled as a kid. Now, I was slightly drowning in sadness. Ever since I found out that my brothers and I were the spawn of Satan, the most powerful demon to rule Gehenna, I almost stopped smiling. Rin and Yukio tried to cheer me up countless times. It worked sometimes, but it was as if my soul left its body when I saw Shiro, my adoptive father, the person who raised me and my brothers for 15 years of our lives, killing himself to protect Rin and I.

In case you were wondering, I was the youngest of the Okumuras, Yukio was the second oldest, and Rin was the oldest. We were triplets. Only Rin and I had the blue flames. Yukio was too weak to inherit them. But unlike Rin, I did not have fast healing. In order to protect us, Shiro sealed Rin's and my powers' on a sword and a dagger. My power was in a dagger, and Rin's power was in a sword. We had to protect the sword and dagger with our very lives. The night our father died, Rin and I promised to kill our biological dad. In order to do that, we became exorcists.

Now since you know my backstory, I guess I should tell you how I got stuck in another world. Our exorcist class got attacked a demon named Amaimon while we were out camping and training to become exorcists. Amaimon, the demon who Rin and I fought at the amusement park had Shiemi. Shiemi only person in my grade that I've opened up to. But she didn't know that Rin and I were the spawn of Satan himself. I felt angry. Amaimon had my best friend! "Let her go!" I yelled, taking out the dagger from its sheath, exposing my blue flames. Rin did the same thing with his sword.

I saw the look on our classmates when they saw our blue flames. They were indeed shocked and scared of us. Their family was attacked by Satan and his blue flames sixteen years ago. It was known as the Blue Night. I saw that Amaimon was going to attack us. He raised his finger, sending a blast towards Rin that he couldn't dodge. Without hesitating, I pushed him out of the blast and I got hit. I coughed up blood and fell to the ground. My vision became darker. I could hear Rin's scream, and the other students' voices. "P-plea...don...die!" I heard Shiemi's voice for the last time.

I felt myself drift into darkness. But then, I realised that I wasn't dead. I was still alive. My heart...was still beating inside my chest. I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the light. I felt my body being carried by someone, bridal style. I tilt my head slowly to look at who was carrying me. It was a guy. He was the same age as me. The hair on his left side was read, and the hair on his right side was white. His eyes were a different color as well. His left eye was a turquoise color, and his right eye was a gray color. He had a scar around his left eye. I blacked out again.

Daughter of Satan in Multiple Worlds Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz