Chapter 8: Deal with the devil

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"That's it, follow the way I move my fingers and try again".

I felt pathetic being taught how to do things babies learn to do. It had been 3 hours since Cole left to give me visuals on Eleanor and Sofia and I was getting antsy. I still didn't trust Cole nor could I find it in me to forgive him, but the reason I was still alive was because of him. I just constantly reminded him of what would happen if he double crossed me.

Placing my little finger on my thumb, I lowered my hand and looked up at the doctor who was smiling at me.

"I have never seen such a fight and dedication Mr Hendricks".

Suddenly the photo I had been holding in my right hand fell to the floor. All throughout the treatment, I held onto the photo of my girls in hopes they'd continuously give me strength.

I watched the doctor intently as she reached down and picked it up before looking at it.

I immediately wanted it back, but to my surprise the doctor's eyes widened as she stared at it.

"I recognise her" she whispered with a smile on her face.


I was anxious as to how someone knew about my woman. How else would anyone know her unless they were part of another gang who was out to hurt me. The only way someone could hurt me was by hurting Eleanor or Sofia.

"My son has always wanted to be a dancer. So when he was 4, he started ballet lessons. He was the only boy in his class, but he did it until he was 6. It was until one day an older girl told him that only girls could do ballet and that boys looked stupid doing ballet. He was so upset about it and gave up on it. However, when I took to the internet to express my feelings, Eleanor contacted me. She bought my little boy new shoes, new clothing and 2 tickets to watch a ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. After the show, she personally came and spoke to us and with my permission invited him to come for a dance lesson with her and the royal ballet school. Because of her kind gesture, my son is back into ballet and I have never seen him so happy. She's an example of the good in the world. You're lucky to have her".

The doctor handed me back my photo and I received it with a shaky hand. I was incredibly lucky to have her especially after everything I did to her. I was unworthy of her. I didn't deserve her love nor the baby she carried inside of her.

I left her at the mercy of her father's murderous hands. I left her to the lions and she suffered a fate worse than anyone, yet she still told me she loved and forgave me. How I wished to wake up from my coma after hearing her words and embrace her and refuse to ever let her go again.

It was killing me not to show up and take them away with me, but Cole was right. It would only cause more pain if I returned and let Brian kill me in front of them. I had to be patient and trust that I was getting stronger.

Before I could respond the door opened and Cole walked in carrying a large bag of food and 2 takeaway cups.

"Keep up the hard work Mr Hendricks" the doctor muttered before politely excusing herself from the room.

"You took your time".

Cole shrugged his shoulders before placing the bags of food down.

"I was hungry. And I'm sure you are too".

I grimaced at his grin and turned back to the photo of my girls. I wonder if Eleanor knew the sex of our baby. Could it be a boy or another girl? Either way, I didn't care. As long as they were safe and healthy, that's all that mattered to me.

Cole handed me one of the cups before turning back to the food.

"Well?" I looked to Cole waiting for him to inform me on everything, but he continued rummaging through the bags.

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