// prefrences

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sorry i'm kinda late on this one

when they get comfortable with you
- he starts to kinda analyze your personality when you're with him so he could know what to say and what not to
- he starts to read less and actually talk to you
- he does more things with you then by himself since he's independent
- he becomes more touchy

- he becomes more soft around you
- he starts to trust you and tell you how he really feels
- you begin to break that 'reezy' barrier and get to know him as himself

- he shows his goofy side
- he starts to joke around about serious things
- he shows that he cares for you

- he starts writing poems about you
- he shows you his writings
- he leans into making poems with you

- he shows you his beats and also for advice
- he asks for help in school work if he needed

imagines // boondocks .Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora