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Emma's POV

Andrew and him walked out of the gym into the boys locker room to look at the teams. To be honest I was nervous for Justin, but I had a really good feeling he would make the team. Some of the boys came out holding jerseys while others didn't. I'm gonna guess that the guys who made the team are holding the jerseys. Andrew walked out and had a jersey as expected. Justin walked out but didn't have a jersey in his hands. My heart instantly broke. I stood up and ran to him and threw my arms around his waist. Something was tucked into the back of his shorts and I pulled it out and looked at it. It was a varsity jersey with the number 3 on the back.

"You made the team!" I said jumping up and down holding the jersey. He smiled really big nodding his head and I once again threw my arms around him and he spun me around.

"Yay! This is so exciting! What position are you?" I asked.

"Shooting guard, just like I wanted." he smiled.

"What about Hunter" I asked quietly.

"He got moved to point guard. The only way he'll play my position is if I get hurt and can't play." he said smiling again. I just jumped up and down and hugged him again. I pulled away and gave his a sweet kiss. Justin went back into the locker room to get his bag and came back out and we walked to his car.

"I'm proud of you." I said as we walked hand in hand towards his car, swinging our hands back and forth.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you." he said looking over at me.

"You could have done it without me, your really good." I said looking over at him and then back to the ground.

"Yeah but who pushed me to try out and told me to take a chance." he said.

"Good point." I said laughing. He leaned up against his car and pulled me by my waist into his chest,

"It's only 5, want to do anything tonight?" he asked. I was playing with his shirt as he rubbed circles on my hips where my crop top had ridden up.

"Sure! Like what?" I asked looking up at him. He had his glasses on now, no matter how long I've known him his glasses are still the cutest thing I've ever seen. I absolutely love them.

"Well, we could go get food? I'm starving." he said tapping the sides of my hips like he was drumming along with a song.

"Alright" I said giggling.

"Come on beautiful" he said giving me a quick kiss and opened my door. I said thank you and he ran over to his side and got in.

"What do you want?" he asked driving out of the school parking lot.

"Uhmm, how about chick-fil-a?" I asked.

"I could definitely go for some chick-fil-a" he replied smiling.

We pulled up to the drive thru and Justin ordered for both of us. Justin was so hyper on the way here, maybe because he's excited about making the team. I would be excited too, I was ecstatic when I made varsity volleyball for the first time. This will be good for him.

Justin's POV

I was so pumped. First year trying out for basketball and I make varsity. Fucking swag! I'm totally on an adrenalin high right now. I was blasting music and dancing in the car with Emma getting all my excitement out. This will be good for me, I know it.

"So what time am I supposed to come over tomorrow?" I asked Emma taking a bite of my chicken nuggets.

"Uhmm, well your mom will already be at my house helping me get ready and stuff and she's bringing Jazzy. So probably around 6. The dance doesn't start until 8 I think." she replied.

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