Chapter 6

418 19 6

Mina POV

Music Room

I finished singing the song Dahyun wrote.

"Dahyun this is good", I said and smiled at her.

"Really?", she asked.

"Yeah", I responded.

The music door room opened. First time seeing Lisa since that day. 

"I'll see you later", Dahyun said and walked out leaving me alone with Lisa.

"I umm".

"I don't mind if you sleep with people. I didn't leave because of that. I just remembered I had to do something", I said.

"I still want to say sorry. I don't do that anymore. I can't say I wasn't a player. But I've changed a lot, well trying. I drink for a personal reason. That is something I might not tell you yet, but will one day", she explained.

I got up from the piano.

"That guy did he hit you?", I asked.

"No but hew as going to but a teacher came so he didn't", she said.

"You play any of these?", I asked.

"Guitar but I came due to a amazing voice. And I'm guessing your the one who was singing", she said.

"Ah so my voice lured you in here?", I asked.


"Well I want to hear you play", I said.

She picked one of the guitar up.

"Anything?", she asked sitting on the table.

"Anything that you know to play", I said and sat next to her.

"You know Shawn Mendez?", She asked.


"Then do you know Mercy?", she asked.

"No", I replied.

She just smiled and began strumming the strings. She skipped straight to the chorus well that's what I thought was the chorus.

"Please have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart. Even though you don't mean to hurt me. You keep tearing me apart. Would you please have mercy on me. I'm a puppet on your strings. And even though you got good intentions. I need you to set me free. Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart? Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?".

"What do you think?", She asked.

"Amazing. Can you play other songs?", I asked.


She began playing a different chord.

"Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing. I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something. I could take to ease my mind slowly. Just have a drink and you'll feel better. Just take her home and you'll feel better. Keep telling me that it gets better. Does it ever? Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up. No medicine is strong enough. Someone help me. I'm crawling in my skin. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But I just can't. It isn't in my blood. It isn't in my blood".

I wasn't expecting her to look at me. She leaned closer to my face. I froze. I can't deny that Lisa isn't good looking cause she is. Like really hot. Why was she so close to my lips? 

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