Chapter Three - White Fang Infiltration

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In the Belladonna Household, Zatt and Ganodi were having tea with Kali Belladonna while Blake along with Ghira and Sun confronted the White Fang representatives about the information from Ilia's scroll. Some time later, Ghira and Sun burst in through the front door, appearing angry. 

Ghira: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!

In their frustration, the two turn to each other. 

Ghira/Sun: We can't let them get away with this!

Kali: Well, at least you two can finally agree on something.

As Kali said that, Ghira and Sun looked at one another. Sun gives a nervous chuckle while Ghira simply glares. Blake then enters the room. 

Blake: Guys. Everything's going to be okay.

Ganodi: How could they think we're that stupid? There's no way! 

Zatt: Maybe they're just trying to stall us until they can get everything in place. If only I was able to get information off that White Fang guy before he killed himself. 

Sun: So we're just gonna stand around here and wait for them to hit us?! I say we hit them first!

Zatt: That's not a good idea. If we attack the White Fang first, then we'll be seen as the aggressors and the White Fang will easily use that to their advantage to sway the people of Menagerie to their side. 

Upon hearing this, Sun grew more and more frustrated at the situation. Zatt and Ganodi took the time to reflect on the growing threat of the White Fang. It was at this moment that Ganodi came up with an idea.

Ganodi: What if we sneak into the White Fang base?

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room turned their attention to Ganodi. Ganodi soon began laying out her plan. 

Ganodi: Zatt and I will sneak into the White Fang base and recover any evidence of the White Fang's true motives. Then we can expose them for all of Menagerie to see!

Blake: This could work, but it might be dangerous.

Zatt and Ganodi then recalled how they infiltrated Hondo Ohnaka's stronghold in Florrum disguised as circus performers of Preigo's Traveling World of Wonder to save Ahsoka Tano. 

Zatt: That shouldn't be a problem. We've done infiltrations before. 

Ghira: Be careful, you two. The White Fang were unfriendly towards trespassers even before their radicalization. 

With that, Zatt and Ganodi began making their way to the White Fang base on Menagerie. The two Jedi snuck inside the base. As the two navigated through the base, they kept their eyes open for Ilia. Soon enough, they came across the war room. They entered inside to find it empty. 

Ganodi: Looks like we missed the party. Let's see what these sleemos have to hide. 

Zatt and Ganodi began searching the room for evidence linking the White Fang to the recent terrorist attacks on Beacon as well as the impending attack on the Belladonnas. As they search for evidence, Zatt peaks out of the window and sees a group of White Fang troops heading their way. 

Zatt: Ganodi! Back in the vents!

Zatt and Ganodi get inside the vents just as the White Fang troops enter the war room. 

White Fang Trooper #1: So we're hitting the Belladonnas? Good. Never liked them. 

White Fang Trooper #2: Our orders are to kill Chieftain Ghira and his wife, but we're capture the daughter alive.   

White Fang Trooper #1: The daughter? For what reason?

White Fang Trooper #2: These orders come from High Leader Adam Taurus himself. Whatever he wants with her, it must be big. 

As the two White Fang troopers converse, Zatt and Ganodi continue to listen in on the conversation. 

White Fang Trooper #1: Good thing Corsac and Fennec were able keep this operation a secret. Ilia almost blew our cover. 

White Fang Trooper #2: Let's get moving. The operation is gonna start soon. Tonight, blood will be spilled for the cause. 

With that, the White Fang troopers left the room. As soon as it was cleared, Zatt and Ganodi exited the vents.

Ganodi: That was close. Good thinking, Zatt!

Zatt: We probably shouldn't stick around for much longer. 

Soon enough, Ganodi finds a small device. When she activates it, she plays a holorecording of Adam Taurus.

Adam(Holorecording): I will not allow them to ruin this. The Belladonna name has brought me nothing but grief. You've done well in finding the deserter. Bring her to me alive but not before you've slaughtered her family. I have a promise to keep.

Upon hearing this, Zatt and Ganodi had the proof they need. 

Zatt: This is bad...we're going to need to get out and warn the others!

???: That won't be necessary, my friends! 

Zatt and Ganodi were soon ambushed by an unknown assailant. The two Jedi were able to dodge the attacks. As they confronted the man, they were shocked upon seeing his face. 

Ganodi: Deimos?! What are you doing here?!

Deimos: I could be asking you the same thing, Jedi.

Upon hearing this, Zatt and Ganodi were in shock. 

Zatt: How do you know...

Deimos: My master has told me about your kind. 

It didn't take long for the two to figure out that Deimos served Darth Jadus. 

Ganodi: How could you serve Jadus?!

Deimos: With pleasure, my little Jedi. It seems my detour was worth it. I'm sure my teammates won't mind my delay. Now then, let us play, little Jedi!

In that moment, Zatt and Ganodi found themselves confronted by Deimos. His true allegiance to Darth Jadus had been revealed. Zatt and Ganodi prepared their Lightsabers for combat against Demios.

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