Chapter Eleven - A Perfect Storm

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At the bandit camp, Raven Branwen sits alone in her tent while sharpening Omen. As she does so, Vernal enters the tent. 

Vernal: Raven, we have a problem.

Raven: What is it?

At that point, Raven got up and followed Vernal outside the tent. She saw Cinder Fall, Arthur Watts, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black with bandits surrounding them. 

Raven: I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home. Either I'm losing my memory, or you've all lost your spines!

Cinder: Don't be too upset with them, Raven. Your men simply recognized the power of a Maiden when they see it. Which is why we'd like to have a word with you.

Raven sighs as she turns to the bandits surrounding Cinder and her allies. 

Raven: Leave us. Pack your things, then break down camp. We're moving.

The bandits were quick to follow Raven's orders.

Watts: Little late to run and hide. You've been on our master's list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to slip away.

Raven: I know all about your master, but I don't believe we've met.

Mercury: We're the guys you should be afraid of.

Raven: I doubt anyone should be afraid of you.

Mercury: Oh yeah? Tell that to....

Suddenly, an uneasy silent fell into the camp. The silence was broken by the footsteps of Darth Jadus. Raven immediately becomes suspicious. 

Raven: Who the hell are you?

Darth Jadus: I am Darth Jadus, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Raven: You work with Salem too?

Darth Jadus remains silent as he approaches Raven. Vernal gets defensive, but Raven gestures her to stand down. As Darth Jadus loomed over her, Raven felt fear in the presence of Darth Jadus. 

Cinder: I'm Cinder Fall. This is my associate, Arthur Watts, and my disciples, Emerald and Mercury. And Darth Jadus has already....

Raven: Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania, is that about right? 

Watts: Technically, I was also a doctor, but I must say, the rest was spot on.

Cinder: Aren't you perceptive.

Raven: It's what's kept me alive.

Raven turned her gaze to Darth Jadus. Raven couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and dread. Despite this, Raven kept her composure. 

Cinder: I'm afraid the only reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants. Of course, if I'm wrong...

As Cinder activates her Maiden powers, Raven calls out Vernal. Vernal then appears to demonstrate powers fitting the description of the Spring Maiden. Darth Jadus remains unimpressed. 

Darth Jadus: How feeble. Your power is nothing next to the power of the Dark Side.

Raven: Vernal has done well under my guidance. I'd take that into consideration before you try anything.

Cinder: Raven, I won't underestimate you, so please don't insult my intelligence. There is a slim chance you and your Maiden could escape today, but if you know our master as well as you claim to, then you know you could never truly escape her. But we come bearing an olive branch.

Watts: The Maidens are merely a means to an end. Salem's true desires are the Relics locked inside the Huntsman Academies. Come with us. Allow Vernal here to unlock the Relic of Knowledge, and all previous acts of defiance against Salem will be forgiven. It's the best deal either of you are going to get.

As Watts laid out the ultimatum, Raven begins considering her options. She could feel Darth Jadus studying her. 

Raven: You talk as if walking straight into Haven will be easy.

Cinder: That's because it will be. Headmaster Lionheart is loyal to Salem. And now, all we need is the key to the vault. You're not the only one to turn your back against Oz, Raven.

Raven: I'm not helping Salem, I'm not helping Oz! I don't want a part in any of this!

Cinder: That ship sailed when you chose to harbor a Maiden. But if you come with us to Haven, we'll leave you, your tribe, and your little secret to live out the rest of your lives squabbling in the wilderness. We just...need...the Relic.

Raven: I need time to think this over.

Watts: You don't have time. In two days, Haven Academy will be destroyed by the White Fang. You're going to choose now.

At that point, Raven felt backed into a corner. As Raven continued to consider her options, Darth Jadus approached her. 

Darth Jadus: There are fates far worse than death, bandit. I can sense your fear. It is not Cinder or her slaves that you fear. It is I that you fear. You are wise to fear my power. The Dark Side has no equal. 

Cinder: So, are you with us, or against us?

Raven: Agreements like these are built on trust. And forgive me for saying, but I don't trust a single one of you. You're going to need to give me more.

Watts: You are in a poor position to negotiate.

Raven: I want my brother dead. 

Cinder: Qrow?

Darth Jadus: And what would drive you to sacrifice your own brother? Not simply self preservation. 

Raven: I have my reasons. Is that good enough for you?

Cinder: Now this is a proposition I can get behind.

In that moment, Raven had joined forces with Cinder and her allies. The plot to steal the Relic of Knowledge from Haven had been set in motion. But Darth Jadus had his own plans for Haven. 

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