Chapter Fourteen - The Kybuck Clan VS Team SHDW

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As Ruby's Group fought against Cinder Fall and her allies, the Kybuck Clan faced off against Team SHDW. Under Mordred's command, Team SHDW was able to split the Kybuck Clan up. As the Kybuck Clan was split up, Mordred faced off against Katooni and Petro. 

Mordred: Your weapons please. We wouldn't want to make a mess of things in front of your friends. 

Katooni: You won't get away this time, Mordred!

Katooni and Petro ignited their Lightsabers and began attacking Mordred. After exchanging attacks, the three stopped in anticipation of each other's attacks. Mordred smiled as his eyes turned red and black flame-like markings began spreading across his body. Katooni immediately knew what this meant. 

Katooni: Be careful, Petro! Mordred's Semblance makes him stronger and faster!

Petro: Doesn't matter, Katooni! I'm taking this bastard down! I did it once, I can do it again!

Mordred: Good. Twice the pride, double the fall! 

Mordred then pressed the attack on Katooni and Petro. Mordred's increased strength and speed proved formidable for the two Jedi. As Katooni and Petro fended off against Mordred's relentless assault, Gungi and Byph along with Professor Huyang faced off against the rest of Team SHDW. 

Circe: You cannot hope to stand against our master. You are only delaying the inevitable.

Huyang: I'm afraid you are mistaken, my friend. I've seen the rise and fall of many a Sith in my time. Your master is no different. 

Deimos: And here I thought this would be boring. What do you think, Grendel? 

Grendel: This should be over quickly. You take the Hammerhead and I'll take the walking carpet. Let Circe deal with the bucket of bolts. 

Deimos: I think that's a splendid idea! It'll give me and my brother some good exercise! 

With that, the rest of Team SHDW began attacking the members of the Kybuck Clan. Grendel charged at Gungi and managed to knock his Lightsaber out of his hands. 

Gungi: <You won't win!>

Grendel: You know something? I see the way you looked at the Rabbit Faunus back at Beacon. If you think that bitch would love a walking carpet like you, then you are more pathetic than I thought. 

Hearing Grendel talk about Velvet like that enraged him. He let out a might roar and engaged in an intense hand to hand fight with Grendel. Meanwhile, Deimos outmaneuvered Byph's attacks. 

Deimos: Too slow, little Jedi! At this rate, you'll never hit us! 

Byph began to center himself as he began to utilize Soresu's tight, controlled movements in an attempt to counteract Deimos's speed. 

Byph: Try this on for size!

Byph then moved in for a jab, but Phobos awakened and another set of arms sprung from Deimos's body. 

Phobos: Ah ah ah. 

Byph was caught off guard as he was put on the defensive. Meanwhile, Huyang kept his guard up as Circe attacked the Architect Droid with her magic. 

Circe: Not bad for a soulless machine. 

Huyang: There is much about me that you underestimate. Your devotion to Darth Jadus is most misguided. 

Circe: We are the Hands of Darth Jadus. We are instruments of his will. 

Circe then launched a ball of lightning. As the lighting makes contact with him, Huyang was brought to his knees. Circe smiles to herself as she approaches him. 

Circe: All enemies of Darth Jadus shall be destroyed. 

As Circe prepared to finish off Huyang, the Architect Droid attacked Circe with another pair of mechanical arms. He then grabbed Circe and threw her against a nearby wall. 

Huyang: It pains me to see such potential wasted in serving the whims of a Sith Lord. 

Enraged by Huyang's words, Circe got back up and attacked him with magical attacks. As the battle dragged on, neither the Jedi nor Team SHDW gave an inch. During the course of the fight, Mordred continued his assault on Katooni and Petro. 

Mordred: Come now, Jedi! Surely you can do better!

Petro pressed the attack with a relentless barrage of acrobatic attacks while Katooni tried to find a blind spot in Mordred's defenses. However, neither Katooni or Petro could break through Mordred's defenses. 

Petro: Sithspit! 

Mordred: Is that the best you have, Petro? I'm disappointed. 

Petro looked glanced behind Mordred and saw Cinder along with Raven and Vernal making their way inside the Haven Vault. 

Petro: Katooni, Cinder is making a run for the Vault! I'll deal with Mordred!

Katooni: With his Semblance activated, Mordred will be too much for you! 

Petro: I got this handled, Katooni! We can't let Cinder of Jadus get their hands on the Relic! And besides, I got a score to settle with this asshole!

Katooni didn't want to let Petro fight Mordred alone. She knew what she was capable of. However, she knew Petro was right. She knew that if Cinder or Darth Jadus got their hands on the Relic of Knowledge, the consequences were dire. She looked around to see Ruby unconscious and everyone else fighting for their lives. She was the only one who could stop them. 

Katooni: Petro, be careful. 

Petro: I'll be fine, Katooni. Just go! 

Katooni ran for the Vault. Mordred attempts to stop Katooni, but Petro attacked him to keep Mordred's attention on him instead of Katooni. 

Mordred: What a clever ploy, Petro. I didn't think you were capable of such clever tricks.

Petro: You'll find I'm full of surprises.

In that moment, Petro prepared to battle against Mordred while Katooni made her way to the Vault to stop Cinder from acquiring the Relic of Knowledge. 

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