Chapter Seventeen - Confronting The Dark Man

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In the heart of the Haven Vault, Katooni stood tall before Darth Jadus as he approached her. His dark presence loomed large before her. Despite this, Katooni showed no fear as she readied her Lightsaber.

Darth Jadus: The Force is with you, young Katooni.

Katooni then ignited her Lightsaber and assumed the opening stance of Soresu. Darth Jadus ignited his crimson Lightsaber and paced around Katooni. Katooni made the first move as she attacked Darth Jadus, but the Sith Lord blocked her attack.

Darth Jadus: Most impressive. You have control over your fear. Now unleash your anger upon me. Only the power of the Dark Side can destroy me.

Katooni once more pressed the attack as she switched to a mix of Makashi and Soresu. Darth Jadus however was able to block all of the attacks with ease. Katooni then uses Force Judgement to attack the Sith Lord, but Darth Jadus absorbs the attack with his hand and redirects it back at Katooni. Katooni was immobilized by her own attack. As she dropped to her knee, Darth Jadus approached her. 

Darth Jadus: How disappointing. Perhaps you are not as strong as I had hoped. 

As Darth Jadus got closer, Katooni sprang back to her feet and attacked Darth Jadus with her Lightsaber, but the Sith Lord easily parries her attacks. Katooni then moved for an overhead slash, but Darth Jadus teleports away and appears behind her. Darth Jadus then used Force Push to push her away. As Katooni leapt to her feet, Darth Jadus deactivated his Lightsaber.

Darth Jadus: It seems Mordred de Sable was right about you.

Katooni: You'll find out I'm full of surprises!

Suddenly, creaking was heard. Katooni could see pieces of rubble being ripped out of the ceiling. Darth Jadus then hurled the debris at Katooni. Katooni was able to slice through some of them, but one of them hits Katooni and knocks her off her feet. Darth Jadus then raises his Lightsaber at the downed Jedi.

Darth Jadus: You are beaten. It is pointless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed like any other Jedi.

Katooni reached for her Lightsaber and drove the Sith's Lightsaber aside and got back to her feet. Darth Jadus pressed the attack with little effort. While Katooni gave the fight everything she had, Darth Jadus was simply toying with her. As they locked blades once more, Katooni found herself physically and mentally exhausted.

Darth Jadus: I can sense your strength leaving you. How much longer can you fight?

Katooni: I....I won't give up!

Darth Jadus: I sense much power in you. There is much potential in you. Join me and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I will show you the true nature of the Force. 

Katooni: I'll never fall to the Dark Side! 

Darth Jadus: There is much for you to learn, young one. You don't know the power of the Dark Side. Everything that has transpired here has been at my command. My will is the destiny of lesser beings. You are different from the other Jedi you travel with. You have the potential to become strong in the Dark Side. You have the potential to become a true Sith. 

Katooni now realized that Darth Jadus sought to turn her to the Dark Side and make her his apprentice. Katooni could feel her heart race. 

Darth Jadus: You witnessed my power at Beacon. What you saw that day was a mere fraction of my full power. Join me and that power can become yours in time. In time, you may become my herald. 

Katooni: What about Salem? Where does she factor into all of this? 

Darth Jadus: Salem is but a pawn to serve my goals. Her power is nothing next to mine. Once she has served her purpose, she will be destroyed. All who stand with her shall be destroyed. Join me, Katooni. Become my apprentice. Learn the ways of the Dark Side. 

As Darth Jadus laid out his offer, Katooni was beyond shocked. She found herself being offered a place by Darth Jadus. Swearing her allegiance to Darth Jadus would mean not only betraying her friends, but also betraying everything she stands for. 

Katooni: I'll never join you! 

Darth Jadus: Think carefully on your choice, Katooni. I am offering you an honor very few will ever know. You would be wise to accept it. If you refuse, you will die by my hand. Your Jedi comrades will die as well as your allies. All of Remnant will fall before my power. Your sacrifice would mean nothing. You would die for nothing. I am offering you a chance to stand by my side in the new order I will create. Join me or die. The choice is yours, Katooni. 

Katooni took a moment to think on Darth Jadus's offer. She knew that refusing him would result in her death at the hands of Darth Jadus. She was no match for Darth Jadus. Despite this, she remained true to herself. 

Katooni: I won't be your puppet, Sith! Do your worst! 

Darth Jadus: So be it, Jedi. 

In that moment, Darth Jadus ignited her Lightsaber. His aura became red as the very ground around them began to shake. Katooni prepared to fight Darth Jadus once more, despite knowing that she was no match for him. Despite staring in the face of certain death, Katooni was prepared to meet her fate. 

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