Chapter Sixteen - Battle Of Haven

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As Katooni raced for the Haven Vault, the battle continued to rage in the halls of Haven Academy. During the fight, Weiss had been seriously injured by Cinder Fall. As Jaune moved in to try and heal her, Deimos moved in to attack the vulnerable Weiss. Before Deimos could attack, Zatt and Ganodi stepped in to aid Jaune. 

Jaune: Zatt! Ganodi! 

Zatt: Is Weiss okay, Jaune?

Jaune: She's...she's seriously injured. I...I think I can help her!

Ganodi: We'll cover you, Jaune!

As Zatt and Ganodi began to duel Deimos, Blake came to the aid of Ruby's group in the fight against Cinder's allies. The rest of the Kybuck Clan were quick to notice the return of Zatt and Ganodi. 

Petro: What took you so long?!

Zatt: We ran into some complications on the way! White Fang and all!

Ganodi: I take it you know about Team SHDW?

Petro: Clearly. Wouldn't be fighting them if we didn't. 

With that, the tide of the battle had been turned. As Zatt and Ganodi dueled against Deimos, Byph joined Gungi in fighting against Grendel. Meanwhile, Petro continued his duel against Mordred. As Petro pressed the attack against him, Mordred continued to taunt him. 

Mordred: Circe was right about you, my friend. You are driven by emotions. 

Petro lunged at Mordred and began utilizing several acrobatic attacks in an attempt to overwhelm Mordred, but Mordred parried each attack with ease. Despite being unable to land a hit, Petro remained confident while being frustrated. 

Petro: You're lucky I wasn't there when you tried to kill Katooni. That scar on your face would've been the least of your worries!

Mordred: My scars are a symbol of my own weakness. Katooni bears the same symbol on her body!

Enraged by Mordred's words, Petro lashed out at him and began attacking him with lightning fast attacks. Mordred was put on the defensive as Petro relentlessly battered him with fast strikes. As the battle drags on, Team SHDW continues to put up a strong defense against the Jedi. However, the arrival of Zatt and Ganodi put them at a serious disadvantage. At the same time, Ruby's group was able to turn the tide with Yang going into the Vault to confront her mother. As this happens, Gungi and Byph continued their fight against Grendel.

Grendel: I see nothing but weakness from you.

Gungi: <We are far from weak, Grendel! We are Jedi! Our will is a strong as the roots of the great Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk!>

Byph: You say we're weak, but only the weak serve the Sith!

Gungi and Byph continued fighting Grendel with everything they had. But the battle soon becomes a stalemate as neither side were able to deal the finishing blow. Huyang could tell that the prolonged battle began to take hold on the Kybuck Clan. Meanwhile in the Haven Vault, Katooni made her way inside. To her shock, she discovered that Raven Branwen was the true Spring Maiden and that she had double crossed Cinder. Cinder was quick to notice Katooni's presence. 

Cinder: You.....

Katooni: You have much to answer for, Cinder. 

Cinder: I don't know why Jadus has taken an interest in you. Personally, I don't see anything special about you, alien. 

Katooni: I am a Jedi. And as a Jedi, I will stop you and Jadus. 

At that point, Yang entered the Vault. As Raven moved in to attack Cinder, Katooni stopped her. 

Katooni: This is my battle, Spring Maiden. Do not interfere. 

Cinder smirked as she used her magic to create her sword. 

Cinder: I've endured constant humiliation from that Sith. Now I have the chance to deny him his prize just as he tried to deny me of mine. 

Katooni then activated her Lightsaber and assumed the opening stance of Makashi. Cinder lunged at Katooni and began attacking her, but Katooni was able to parry her attacks. 

Katooni: You turned yourself into a monster just for power. 

Cinder: Don't try to belittle me, Jedi. I will become more powerful than you and Jadus. I am Salem's chosen disciple. I will inherit her kingdom. 

Katooni: You're nothing more than a tool for evil. You're Salem's slave. 

Hearing Katooni referring to her as a slave enraged Cinder. She had constantly endured that scorn and humiliation from Darth Jadus. 

Cinder: I am no slave! I am Cinder Fall! I am the Fall Maiden! I will have power! I WILL HAVE IT ALL!

Cinder lunged at Katooni and attacked her in a frenzied rage. Katooni quickly shifted her stance into that of Soresu and maintained a strong defense. During the fight, the two locked blades. 

Cinder: You will suffer the same fate as Nikos! You will die for nothing!

Katooni soon broke the blade lock and used Force Judgement to shoot out a torrent of lightning on Cinder. Cinder screamed in pain as she clutched her left arm, revealing it to be a Grimm arm. Seeing an opportunity, Katooni severs Cinder's left arm with her Lightsaber and follows through with a Force Push which sends Cinder over the edge of the Vault's walkway and down into the dark depths of the abyss. As Cinder fades from her view, Katooni deactivates her Lightsaber. She turns to see Raven nowhere in sight. She also sees Yang on her knees holding the Relic of Knowledge. Katooni approached her to see her crying. 

Katooni: Yang? 

Yang: I'll...I'll be fine. 

Katooni: I'm....I'm sorry, Yang. 

Yang said nothing as she wiped the tears from her face and stood up. 

Yang: Our fight is not over. 

Katooni: You go on ahead, Yang. There's...there's something I have to do here. 

Yang walked away as Katooni began to feel a familiar presence nearby. As Yang exited the Vault, the door, Katooni took a deep breath as Darth Jadus emerged from the shadows. In that moment, Katooni stood face to face before the Dark Lord. 

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