Chapter Six - Crash Landing

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On board the airship, Petro and Weiss battled against the Lancers attacking the airship. Using glyphs and Dust, Weiss succeeds in eliminating one of the Grimm. Petro follows by throwing his Lightsaber at two of the Lancers, decapitating them. Petro then uses the Force to retrieve his Lightsaber. 

Petro: So far so good!

In the cockpit, the pilot glances over to the security footage to see Petro and Weiss holding their own against the Lancers. 

Pilot: Haha! Hold on!

As the pilot performs a series of evasive maneuvers, Petro and Weiss continue to thin out the Lancer heard. Suddenly, Weiss gets knocked off balance when the cargo ship rocks.

Weiss: Ah! What was that?!

As Weiss said this, Lancer stingers begin piercing through the upper levels of the airship.

Pilot: We're hooked! 

Soon enough, more Lancers begin hooking onto the airship. The pilot quickly comes up with a plan and relays a warning to Petro and Weiss through the intercom. 

Pilot(Intercom): I got an idea! Hold on! Literally!

The airship begins to accelerates the ship toward one of the floating islands, waiting until the last possible moment before suddenly diving and using the remaining forward momentum to throw the Lancers on the ship off into the side of the rock formation. Petro immediately compares the bold piloting maneuvers to that of Anakin Skywalker.

Petro: Man! This guy could've been one hell of a starpilot! 

Weiss: Pilot! Can you find a pair of islands we can fit between?

Pilot(Intercom): Kid, you are reading my mind!

Petro: And I thought I was the one with the bold plans! 

As the cargo ship narrowly avoids the close islands walls and the attacking Lancers, Weiss fires three fireballs from her glyphs to destroy an overhanging rock formation. The attack causes debris that kills the attacking Grimm.

Pilot(Intercom): Yeah! Great going, kid! We are in the clear!

As Weiss breathes a sigh of relief, Petro immediately spots a larger Lancer heading right towards them. 

Petro: I think we woke something up! 

Weiss: It's a Queen Lancer!

Pilot(Intercom): What?!

The Queen Lancer attacks the airship, but nether Petro nor Weiss were able to stop it. 

Petro: Damn! That thing must have some strong exoskeleton! My Lightsaber can't cut through it! 

Weiss attempts to kill the Lancer Queen by using most of the Dust crates as explosive projectiles against the creature, but the Lancer Queen survives unscathed. As the airship continues to lose control, Weiss regain her composure and summons a Arma Gigas to fight the Lancer Queen. 

Petro: I got a bad feeling about this!

The summoning then engages a the Lancer Queen while the pilot attempts to pull the airship and regain control. The Arma Gigas leaves the vehicle and dives toward the Queen Lancer. Under Weiss's control, the Arma Gigas manages to kill the Lancer Queen, but the airship took too much damage from the Lancers. 

Petro: This thing is going down! We better slow it down somehow or this is gonna be on short trip! 

Weiss then tries to use her Semblance while Petro attempts to use the Force to slow down the airship's descent, but it's not enough to prevent it from crash landing. All Petro and Weiss could do was brace themselves as the airship crashes into a nearby forest. Meanwhile, Raven Branwen and a group of bandits hear something crash in the distance. 

Bandit One: What was that? 

Raven: I don't know, but I'm not leaving anything to chance. All of you come with me. 

Raven then took the group of bandits and investigated the crash. They soon find a crashed cargo airship in the forest. 

Bandit Two: Looks like today's our lucky day, boss! Let's hope most of the cargo isn't too damaged! 

As Raven and the bandits began to move towards the crashed airship, they spot Weiss lying injured on the ground with dirtied clothes. She then turns to them and raises her hand, hoping they came to help. 

Weiss: Help... please.

Bandit One: What do you think?

Raven then approaches the injured Weiss. It didn't take long for her to recognize her. 

Raven: I think... we just hit the jackpot.

Weiss immediately becomes concerned about the situation. Before she could react to any of this, Raven knocked her out by stomping her face. As Weiss was knocked out, the sound of an ignited Lightsaber was heard. 

Bandit One: Get him!

Raven turns around to find Petro engaged in combat against the bandits. Despite being injured, Petro was able to hold his own against the bandits. Petro dealt nonlethal strikes against the bandits as he took down several bandits before turning his attention to Raven who was standing over an unconscious Weiss. 

Petro: Get away from her, sleemo!

Petro then lunged at Raven, but Raven was able to block Petro's attacks with her Omen weapon. 

Raven: Now where did you come from?

Petro: That's none of your concern!

Petro continued attacking Raven with her Lightsaber, but Raven was able to fend him off. 

Raven: You're sluggish. That crash must've done a number on you. 

Petro: I'll show you sluggish!

Petro then attempts to go for an overhead strike, but Raven blocks the attack and follows through with a kick to the abdomen. As Petro attempts to get up and reach for his Lightsaber, Raven trikes him in the face with Omen's hilt, knocking her out. As Raven knocks out Petro, she turns to her men who were slowly getting up. 

Raven: Take these two back to camp. They'll be good hostages. 

As the bandits dragged Petro and Weiss back to their camp, Raven picks up Petro's Lightsaber and hooks it into her belt. With that, Petro and Weiss found themselves prisoners of Raven Branwen and her tribe of bandits. 

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