Chapter Thirteen - The More The Merrier

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After taking the time to rest, Ruby's Group and the Kybuck Clan made their way to Haven Academy after receiving word from Leonardo Lionheart that there was a development in the search for the Spring Maiden. As they entered the building, they are greeted by a visibly nervous Lionheart. 

Lionheart: Why hello. Thank you for...coming. There... seems to be more of you than last time. 

Qrow: Eh, you know what they say, "The more the merrier". So what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: Why... did you bring your weapons? 

Qrow: What? Leo, we're Huntsmen. You okay?

Lionheart: Of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.

Qrow: Look, it's nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?

As Lionheart stumbles over his words, Yang glances over to see a black bird perched over a nearby balcony. She immediately recognizes the bird. 

Yang: Mom?

Without hesitation, Qrow shoots at the bird. The bird dodges the shots and soon transforms into Raven, shocking everyone. 

Nora: They... they really are magic...

Raven: If you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting.

Qrow: What are you doing here?!

Raven: I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own sister.

Qrow: Leo... what have you done?!

Lionheart: I...

Raven: Leo did what any sane person would in his position - he looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation, and made a choice. And it seems you all have too.

Qrow: You have the Spring Maiden. 

Raven: I do. 

Katooni: Listen to me! You can't trust Darth Jadus! He's manipulating you! He's manipulating us all! 

Raven: You seem to know a lot about him. Then you should know just how powerful he really is. There's no beating him just as there's no beating Salem. 

Ruby: You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together. Please.

Ruby's pleas fell on deaf ears as Raven uses her Semblance to open a portal. Out of the portal enters Cinder Fall who was joined by Emerald, Mercury, Hazel and Vernal. As they enter the room, green mist appears and Team SHDW appears from the mist. 

Petro: Looks like we got a whole party here!

Mordred: Petro! What a pleasant surprise! 

Petro: Not surprised to see you here. I knew you were no good from the start! 

Mordred: Your instincts serve you well, Petro. But it won't save you from Lord Jadus's power. 

As Ruby's group became surrounded, Katooni could feel a dark presence nearby. It didn't take long for the rest of the Jedi to sense it. For Katooni and Petro, this presence was familiar. 

Gungi: <I...I feel cold...>

Petro: It's him, Gungi. It's the Sith. 

Meanwhile outside Haven Academy, Adam Taurus was overseeing a group of White Fang soldiers priming explosive charges. Back in Haven, the heroes began to piece together the situation.

Weiss: This was all just a trap?

Ren: It appears so. 

Qrow: Raven, tell me. How long have you been with them?

Cinder: Aww, don't take it personally, little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand... Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, professor?

Lionheart: Stop it...

The revelation of Lionheart's treachery deeply angered Qrow. But before Qrow could lash out at Lionheart, Jaune confronted Cinder. 

Jaune: What is wrong with you...? How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!

Nora: Jaune...

Jaune: All with that damn smile on your face!! I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!! Do you hear me?! Well?! SAY SOMETHING!!

Cinder soon glances over to Jaune without a hint of emotion. 

Cinder: Who are you again?

Enraged by Cinder's words, Jaune lashes out at Cinder and attacks her. It wasn't long for all hell to break loose. As Ruby's group moved to engage Cinder and her allies, Team SHDW took the fight to the Kybuck Clan. 

Petro: I'm going to enjoy taking you down after what you did to Katooni!

Mordred: Circe was right about you, Petro. You are driven by your emotions. This will be most interesting. 

Katooni: You're a fool to trust Jadus, Mordred. You and your team are nothing more than pawns! 

Mordred: We pledge our lives to see Darth Jadus's ambitions realize. You would be wise to join him. 

Byph: We'll never join him! We're Jedi! 

Mordred: Then it appears we're at an impasse. Team SHDW! Prepare for battle. Show no mercy!

In that moment, it was clear to the Kybuck Clan that Team SHDW was completely devoted to Darth Jadus. Left with no other choice, the Kybuck Clan readied their Lightsabers for the fight against Team SHDW. The stage was set and the battle had begun. The Kybuck Clan and Ruby's Group faced off against the servants of Darth Jadus and Salem. The battle to come would be fierce as neither side would give an inch as the fate of Haven Academy would be decided in this very battle. 

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