Chapter Two - Unexpected Detour

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On board an airship, Petro and Weiss sit back as it makes the journey to Mistral. As the airship flies over a large lake, Petro and Weiss speak with the pilot. 

Weiss: So, how much farther?

Pilot: We're in the home stretch now. No more stops from here to Mistral. Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar's been harder than I thought. Lots of air traffic around northern Anima.

Petro: We've had more than our fair share of long trips. 

Weiss:  I...just hope we haven't been a burden.

Pilot: You and your money are more than welcome on this ship, kid. Not to mention that your friend here have been making this trip entertaining with his jokes.

Petro chucked in response to that. During the course of the trip, Petro told various jokes to the pilot. Suddenly, the ship's radio picks up a transmission. 

Weiss: Is everything okay?

Pilot: I don't know. We're still over Lake Matsu. Shouldn't be picking up broadcasts this far from Mistral. Someone must be close.

Soon enough, a panicked female voice begins talking through the radio.

Mistral Pilot(Radio): Mayday, mayday! We are a small passenger flight, and our Huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this! 

Pilot: Oh man.

Mistral Pilot(Radio): The Grimm hit us 400 klicks north of the southern shoreline!

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the radio. Petro and Weiss immediately became concerned. 

Mistral Pilot(Radio): Get them off us! If anyone can hear this....

Suddenly, the transmission abruptly ends. At this point, Petro and Weiss grow more concerned. Weiss then turns to the pilot.

Weiss: We're going to help them, right?

Pilot: What? No. I'm trying to avoid them.

Weiss: But...they'll die. 

Pilot: Look, if we picked up their transmission, I'm sure someone else did, too. Besides, this is a cargo ship. She's not much good in a fight. I just wanna finish this job and get home. Sorry, kid. My ship, my rules.

While they disagreed with the pilot's decision, they were left with little choice. As the two took their seats, Petro inspects his Lightsaber. 

Weiss: We should be helping them.

Petro: I don't like it either, but it's out of our hands unless you want to walk all the way to Mistral. 

As the trip to Mistral continues, Weiss looks out the window to see a series of landmasses floating in the bright blue, partly cloudy sky, with what appears to be black crystals jutting out from the bottom of the rock formations. Confused, Weiss meets up with the pilot as Petro follows. 

Weiss: Where are we?

Pilot: Nowhere good. Passing by some of Lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity Dust that forms in these things is giving us a little turbulence. Nothing I can't handle, but the islands sometimes hide some nasty Grimm.

Petro: Sounds like a regular nesting ground for scum and villainy. 

Weiss then notices another airship heading right towards them. 

Weiss: Look out!

With that warning, the pilot was able to steer the ship out of the way. The airship then crashes on one of the floating islands. 

Pilot: You've got to be kidding me!

The pilot then turns on the radio and hears the voice of another pilot. 

Mistral Pilot(Radio): By the gods, we've lost Percy! Help!

They soon see another airship being attacked by a group of wasp like Grimm. It didn't take long for the Grimm to destroy the ship. At this point, the gravity of the situation began to set in on the group.

Pilot: Lancers, freaking Lancers! Alright buckle up....

Before the pilot could finish his sentence, he turns his head to see Petro and Weiss readying their weapons and jumping down the hatch that led to the airship's cargo hold. The pilot then contacts them via intercom. 

Pilot(Intercom): What are you doing?

Weiss: What we should've done in the first place! You're carrying Dust, right?

Pilot: Officially, no. Actually, yes.

As the pilot says this, Petro and Weiss open a large of vials of powdered Dust and loads her weapon Myrtenaster with six of them while Petro simply activates his Lightsaber. 

Petro: Talk about an unexpected detour! I'd be lying if I said if I wasn't surprised! 

Weiss: Do you always seek out trouble or does it come to you?

Petro: Depends on the mood of the day. Sometimes I come looking for trouble, other times trouble comes looking for me! I'm used to it by now!

Weiss rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she loaded up the last vial of Dust in Myrtenaster. As she does so, she speaks with the pilot. 

Weiss: When I tell you, open the rear door!

Pilot: Better make it quick!

The airship is soon attacked by the Lancers. The airship performs a series of evasive maneuvers as the Lancer fire their stingers at the ship. 

Pilot: Kid, we're cutting it close! 

Weiss summons a black glyph underneath her to keep her and Petro stuck to the ship as she readies her sword in front of her. As Petro tightly grips his Lightsaber, a smirk falls on his face.

Petro: This is where the fun begins!

As Weiss summoned the glyph, she gives the orders to the pilot. 

Weiss: Ready!

The cargo door opens as Petro and Weiss prepared themselves for a fight against the Lancers. The journey to Mistral had taken an unexpected detour. The airship they were on was under attack by a pack of Lancer Grimm. Left with no choice, Petro and Weiss would have to make their stand against the Lancers to protect their ship. 

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