Chapter Seven - The Devil Twins

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Inside the White Fang base on Menagerie, Zatt and Ganodi prepare for combat against Deimos. The two Jedi were still in shock that Deimos served Darth Jadus. As Deimos presented two daggers, he laughs. 

Deimos: Try to make this entertaining for me, little Jedi! 

Without warning, Deimos lunged at the two Jedi and began attacking them with near blinding speed. Zatt and Ganodi managed to block most of the attacks. They were surprised to see a hunchbacked Deimos was able to keep up with their attacks. 

Zatt: What does Jadus want with the White Fang?!

Deimos: The White Fang are merely pawns meant to serve Lord Jadus! 

Ganodi: Whatever Jadus is plotting, we'll stop him! 

Deimos: It has already begun. Beacon was only the beginning. Haven will meet the same fate! 

Deimos lunged at Zatt and Ganodi once more and began battering them with lighting fast attacks. Despite having the numbers advantage, Zatt and Ganodi were unable to press the attack on Deimos. During the assault, Deimos kicked Zatt to the ground and pressed the attack on Ganodi. Deimos then activated the pistol feature of his daggers. Ganodi was able to deflect most of the bullets with her Lightsaber, but a bullet grazed her shoulder. Deimos then lunged at Ganodi and slashed at her back. 

Ganodi: Not good....

As Ganodi defended herself against Deimos, Zatt got up and jumped to Ganodi's aid and went for an overhead strike. Suddenly, an extra pair of hands flew from his hunched back and grab Zatt by the arms and throw him against Ganodi. Deimos laughed as Zatt and Ganodi recovered from the attack.

Deimos: Two on two. Works for me. Right, Phobos? 

As Deimos says this, he removes his cloak, revealing a conjoined twin. The twin began moving and soon laid eyes on the two shocked Jedi.

Phobos: About time you woke me up, Deimos. I was getting bored.

Zatt and Ganodi were shocked to see that Deimos had a conjoined twin hidden all this time. 

Deimos: You know, we're inseparable...Usually my twin brother sleeps inside me, but when it comes to a fight, he likes to help.

Phobos: It's been too long since I've been in a good fight. 

Without hesitation, Deimos lunged at Zatt and Ganodi. Zatt and Ganodi were effectively fighting two people. The two Jedi found themselves on the defensive as Deimos pressed the attack with Phobos acting as support. At this point, Zatt and Ganodi found themselves in a dangerous situation. Zatt and Ganodi were outmatched by the combined assault of Deimos and Phobos. 

Deimos: What will you do now? 

Zatt: This is bad, Ganodi! We need a plan!

Suddenly, explosions were heard outside the White Fang base. Upon hearing the explosions, Deimos lets out a twisted laugh. 

Deimos: Looks the the White Fang are making their move against the Belladonnas. I wonder how they will fare against them. I know Adam Taurus has his own plans for the chieftain's daughter. 

In this moment, Zatt and Ganodi quickly realized that the White Fang had launched an attack on the Belladonnas. 

Ganodi: Blake....she's in danger! They're all in danger!

Zatt: If we stay here, we'll just be wasting time. We need to get out of here and help the Belladonnas fight off this invasion!

Ganodi: But what about Deimos? I doubt he and his twin will just let us walk away!

Zatt was then caught in a crossroads. He thought about all possible plans of how to handle this. He could remain to fight Deimos and Phobos while Ganodi went to help the Belladonnas, but that would put her in danger. They could both stay behind to fight the twins, but that would risk the Belladonnas. 

Zatt: (Damn...what would Petro or Katooni do?)

Zatt quickly realized that fighting Deimos and Phobos would simply waste precious time that the Belladonnas didn't have. He then glanced over to Ganodi. 

Zatt: Ganodi, do you trust me?

Ganodi: Of course I do, Zatt! Why do you ask?

Zatt: On my signal, we make a run for it. 

Ganodi nodded as the two Jedi clutched their Lightsabers. Deimos chuckled once more. 

Deimos: What are you two plotting? 

Phobos: What are we waiting for, brother? Let's kill them and get it over with. 

Zatt: Now! 

Ganodi then rushed towards Deimos and Phobos. With all of their focus trained on Ganodi, Zatt took the opportunity to Force Push Deimos against the wall. Ganodi then throws her Lightsaber at the wall, causing it to collapse. 

Zatt: Nice going, Ganodi! 

Ganodi: Good thinking, Zatt! What's the plan now?

Zatt: We need to get back to the Belladonna Household as quickly as we can! 

With that, Zatt and Ganodi made their escape from the White Fang base. As the two Jedi made their escape, Deimos recovered from the attack. Deimos and Phobos then combine their strength to break through the wall. 

Phobos: They couldn't have gone far, Deimos. Shall we go after them?

Deimos: No. We have other more important matters to attend to. Lord Jadus has plans for us. 

Phobos: What a shame. I was hoping to kill them. 

Deimos: You may get your chance yet, brother. I'm sure his won't be the last we see of these little Jedi. Rest, Phobos. 

With that, Phobos rested as Deimos retrieved his cloak and puts it on. He then assumed his hunchbacked stance. Green smoke then engulfed Deimos's body and teleports him out of Menagerie. Zatt and Ganodi had survived their encounter with the Devil Twins. But a greater challenge awaited them. 

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