Chapter Eighteen - A Sith Lord's Wrath

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As Katooni dueled against Darth Jadus, the battle continued to rage across Haven Academy. Ruby's group and the Kybuck Clan continued to face off against the servants of both Salem and Darth Jadus. During the battle, Salem executed Lionheart for his cowardice. Meanwhile, Team SHDW were cornered by the Kybuck Clan. 

Petro: All right, Mordred. You and your team are finished!

As the Kybuck Clan moved in on Team SHDW, they all felt a sudden physical sensation of pain and fear. Petro immediately knew what this meant. 

Petro: He's....he's here. 

Mordred: It appears our fight will end prematurely. Circe, get us out of here!

Without hesitation, Circe used her magic to transport herself and the rest of Team SHDW out of Haven. At the same time, Emerald unleashed a powerful illusion of Salem to allow her and the others to escape. As the illusion ended, Ruby and the rest of the group could see that something was troubling the Kybuck Clan. 

Ruby: Guys? What's wrong? 

Suddenly, Katooni was launched from the ground above the Haven Vault. Petro and the rest of the Kybuck Clan broke free from the fear and checked on Katooni. 

Petro: Katooni! Are you okay?!

Before she could answer, Darth Jadus emerged from the wreckage with his Lightsaber activated. He looked around as Ruby's group readied their weapons. Despite being surrounded, Darth Jadus showed no concern. Qrow, Jaune and Ozpin were the only ones who witnessed Darth Jadus's power. Everyone prepared their weapons as Darth Jadus unleashed a powerful Force Wave that knocks everyone off their feet. 

Darth Jadus: Feel the power of the Dark Side. 

Nora was the first to get to her feet and attempts to attack Jadus with Magnhild, but the Sith Lord grips her with Force Choke. Jaune and Ren attempt to attack Jadus, but he unleashes a blast of Force Lightning which hurls the two against the wall. He then tosses Nora aside and moves towards Katooni and the rest of the Kybuck Clan.

Darth Jadus: You cannot hope to stand against the power of the Dark Side. 

As the Kybuck Clan prepared their Lightsabers, Team RWBY and Qrow as well as Oscar joined them. Darth Jadus showed no concern. His attention soon fell on Ruby. 

Darth Jadus: You must be the Silver Eyed Girl. 

Ruby: We'll beat you, Jadus!

Katooni: Ruby. You don't know what you're dealing with. Get the Relic out of here! 

Ruby: We're not letting you fight him alone!

Darth Jadus: Brave, but foolish. You stand against a Dark Lord of the Sith. The Dark Side of the Force is mine to command. With it's power, I laid waste to thousands of worlds. 

Ruby: We're not afraid of you! 

Darth Jadus: Then you will die braver than most. 

With that, both the Kybuck Clan and Team RWBY along with Qrow and Oscar fought against Darth Jadus. Qrow and Oscar were knocked back by a powerful blast of Force Lightning. Yang launched herself at the Sith Lord, but Darth Jadus grips her with Force Choke. 

Ruby: Let her go!

As Ruby lunged at Darth Jadus, the Sith Lord throws her aside and grabs Ruby by the throat. As Ruby struggles to break free, Weiss and Blake attempt to help Ruby, but the Sith Lord overpowers them. 

Darth Jadus: Whatever power you wield is nothing next to the power of the Dark Side. 

As Darth Jadus strangles Ruby, the Kybuck Clan launch a coordinated attack on the Sith Lord, forcing him to let Ruby go. 

Darth Jadus: You have deceived yourselves into believing there is hope. But you are wrong, Jedi. There is no hope. 

The Kybuck Clan continue utilizing their Lightsaber forms in an attempt to overwhelm Darth Jadus, but the Sith Lord proves too strong. In the ensuing fight, most of the Kybuck Clan were taken down with only Katooni and Petro still standing. 

Darth Jadus: Your skills are most impressive, but they are wasted on Jedi teachings. 

Petro: You don't know the first thing about us, pal!

Petro lunged at Darth Jadus and attacks him with his Lightsaber. However, Darth Jadus grips Petro with Force Choke and throws him against a wall, knocking him unconscious. 

Katooni: Petro! 

Katooni attacked Darth Jadus, but was quickly overpowered. During the duel, Darth Jadus disarmed Katooni and goes for a lethal thrust. However, much to the Sith Lord's surprise, Katooni held out her hand and absorbed the energy from Jadus's Lightsaber into her right hand. As she gripped Jadus's Lightsaber, Katooni began to lose her strength, Katooni used her left hand to shoot the most powerful amount of Force Judgement onto Darth Jadus as she possibly could. Katooni screamed as the amount of power in her attack began to push the Sith Lord back. Darth Jadus retaliated by unleashing a powerful torrent of Force Lightning on Katooni. The two streams of Lightning intertwined and built up a surge of energy. Katooni could feel the pain from Darth Jadus's Force Lightning. She could feel her entire body cry out in agonizing pain.

Darth Jadus: Only your hatred can give you the power to save your friends. Give in to the Dark Side. 

Katooni: NEVER! 

Katooni's amplified her power. Despite the pain surging within her, Katooni powered through it. Eventually, the built up energy from the clashing of Katooni's Force Judgement and Darth Jadus's Force Lightning imploded, creating a powerful explosion of Force energy which sent a shockwave that rocked the very foundations of Haven Academy. 

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