Chapter Eleven

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"Who's Hannes?" Krista asked.

"He's been stalking Eren ever since Mr. Jaeger married Mrs. Jaeger, wanting the mom to himself." The officer replied.

"He could be where ever Eren is at this moment." He added.

"Berlin..." You whisper. Krista looked up at you.

"Berlin...?" Krista said, confused.

"This Hannes guy....he might be in Berlin, Germany!" You shout. Your heart skipped a beat, and you dropped to your knees.

"(f/n)!" Sasha said, going down to comfort you.

"What if Eren gets murdered?!" You shout.

"D-Don't say that (f/n)!" Krista said. Your coach yelled at all of you to get to the gym, and you got up, and walked there with Krista. Jean came up behind you.

"Levi-" Marco pulled him away.

"Sssh! Don't tell her! It will ruin it for her!" Marco shouted. Jean rolled his eyes and continued walking.

"We should tell Sasha." Jean suggested.

"You go ahead, i'm not getting my neck snapped in half by Levi." Marco said. Jean walked up to Sasha, and whispered it in her ear.

"O-M-G!! We gotta tell everybody!" Sasha said, running up to you. Jean grabbed her by the collar of her uniform.

"No, you're not." Jean said. Sasha rolled her eyes at him and ran up to Connie.

"They have to be dating." Jean said. Marco nodded his head in agreement. Gym was a bore, all your coach did was make you run laps.

"I...hate...Mr. Pixis..." You pant.

"I...want food...." Sasha panted, falling to the hard wood floor.

"Wake up Sasha." You say, dropping to your knees and shaking her. You fell on top of her, passing out.

~Time Skip~

"Wake up!" Jean shouted, nudging you with his foot. "It's time to go home."

"Huh?" You say, waking up. Sasha opened one eye, and sat up.

"Where's the food?" Sasha asked. Jean rolled his eyes at her.

"Just get the hell up!" Jean shouted, lifting Sasha up. You grabbed onto her arm, going up with her. You trudged out into the hallway, already seeing Krista with her light pink skirt and a white button up top.

"Hey...I was wondering if I to Eren?" Krista asked. You fully woke up, rubbing your eyes.

"Oh, yeah, just wait out here." You reply, running into the locker room. You quickly changed, and grabbed your bag full of your school stuff you of your gym locker.

"Let's go, Krista." You say, walking out. Levi was at the door, waiting for you.

"Why is Krista with you?" He asked.

"Because, I have a surprise for her at the house." You say.

"Sup shorty." Krista said to Levi.

"Look who's talking." Levi said back. It was true, Levi was 5'4 and Krista was 4'11.

"At least i'm cute." Krista teased. Levi just let out a 'tch' and continued walking.

"What's his problem?" Krista asked.

"He gets mad a lot, you could say." You say.

"I can tell." Krista muttered. You jumped in the drivers seat, while Levi sat next to you.

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