Chapter Three

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The alarm clock screamed in your ear, it said 8:45, your shift started at 9:00

"Shit, shit, shit!" You yelled, jumping out of bed. You put just a plain white shirt and jeans, knowing they would give you an apron once you got there. You quickly brushed your hair and put it up into a ponytail.

"I have to go Sasha, i'll be back at 4:00." You say. She just took a quick glance at you, and then back to the TV.

"Oh god, it's 8:50 and the Starbucks is across town!" You say, getting into your car.

"I hope Levi is there, so he can help me...I don't really know Isabel and Farlan that much..." You said to yourself. Once you got there, Isabel was the only one there.

"Are you the new worker?" She asked, with a smile across her face.

"Yeah.." You say.

"I'm Isabel." She said, holding her hand out. You shook her hand, knowing she would be a fun person to be around. Farlan walked in, at 8:59.

"Where's Levi? It's almost time to open." Farlan asked.

"That's Farlan, by the way." Isabel said.

"Is this the new worker?" Farlan asked.

"Yeah, her name is (f/n)." Isabel said.

"It's nice to meet you." Farlan said. He was a grade above you, so you never seen him around that much. At 9:00, your first customer walked in, it was Connie and Sasha...holding hands.

"I guess we're gonna have to start without Levi-bro." Isabel said.

"W-What are you doing here?" Connie asked.

"She works here now." Sasha said.

"Wait...if you two were holding hands..." You said.

"It was just holding hands as friends..." Connie said, blushing.

"Yeah.." Sasha said, blushing aswell.

"What can we get you two lovebirds?" Isabel giggled.

"(f/n) knows what I want." Sasha said.

"A caramel latte?" You asked. Sasha nodded, and Farlan helped you make it.

"Business is slow today..." You said.

"Nah, it's like this every morning, you should see the afternoons." Farlan said.

"Where is Levi?" You ask.

"I texted him, but he didn't text back." Farlan said. After you were done with the latte, you gave it to Sasha. Connie just got a water, and they left.

"Connie and Sasha would make a cute couple." Isabel said.

"True." You say. You only had a couple customers until Levi showed up at 10 o'clock.

"Levi-bro! I missed you!" Isabel said, hugging him. When she stopped hugging him, he just ruffled her red hair.

"Sorry i'm late, just some trouble at home." Levi said. You could tell he had a tough homelife, he had bruises up and down his arms, that's why he usually wore long sleeves. He was pretty skinny too, and you felt really bad for him.

"Hey, Levi." You say, getting his attention.

"How about you come over today?" You ask.

"I don't know about that...I mean, I have stuff to do at home..." Levi said, looking down.

"Just come over and hang out for a while." You beg.

"Alright, fine, but I can't stay that long." Levi said.

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