Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I did a bunch of research for this chapter, so it's not like I know stuff that happened in the 1800s in Germany. By the way, ~ these symbols mean that you are going back to America, to see what the other characters are doing. Then if you see another ~ you're going back to Germany. im sure you get what im saying. Enjoy!

Eren woke you up very early, around 5:00 AM.

"Hey..." He whispered. You fluttered your eyes open and sat up.

"Y-Yeah?" You yawn. Eren was already dressed while you were still in your pajamas, not to mention your hair was a birds nest.

"I-I wanted to take you someplace." Eren said, putting his hand behind is back. Take you someplace? It was 5:00 AM and the sun was just rising. "Where?" You asked. Eren looked up at you.

"Surprise." He replied back. "It's going to take a couple hours to get there, so i'd like to go now." You decided to go, and quickly brushed your hair and put a clean pair of clothes on.

"Are you ready?" Eren asked.

"Ready as i'll ever be." You reply. He took your hand and you two ran out of the apartment to his car. You got into the passenger seat, and saw two tickets laying dashboard. The only word you saw was castle until Eren swiped it off of the dashboard.

"Like I said, it's a surprise." Eren said, starting the car.

"Where is this place?" You ask.

"Hohenschwangau, at the bottom of Germany." Eren said. Berlin was all the way at the top, this could take hours, maybe even days.

"But it will take-"

"Germany isn't as big as America, (f/n)." Eren interupted. "It's only about six hours, you'll make it."

"I guess." You sighed, sinking into the seat. Eren got on the highway going south.

"Have you been to this place?" You ask.

"Once." He replied. It was raining hard out, which made the road hard to see, that's why he was paying no attention to you what-so-ever. You pulled out your phone, and saw about 20 text messages from Levi. You only read about ten.

Levi: did u get raped yet?

What the fuck?


Levi: Btw, Marco and Jean were doing some nasty shit in your bed last night. XDDD jk

Levi: lol u were probably doing nasty shit with eren last night.

Levi: smh

Levi: dammit why won't you answer?

Levi: i love you, pls do the things u did with eren


You turnt it off, throwing it in the backseat.

"Levi is being really over protective." You groan.

"We're here." Eren said. You looked up, and saw nothing except a gas station in the middle of no where.

"Oh god." You muttered.


Back in America, Jean decided to throw a 'party', without you. Karaoke night.

"C'mon this song..." Jean begged. He pointed at the song on his phone, and Levi rolled his eyes.

"You. owe. me." Levi growled. He picked up the microphone and smirked a little bit. "In fact you can do the favor right now." Levi picked up a horse mask that someone brought and placed it over Jean's head. Everyone died of laughter, especially Marco. Levi picked up the microphone and the background music came on.

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