Chapter Twenty-Two

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This is a short little chapter for you all

Enjoy m8s :)


After you and Armin got done eating, he paid for the meal and you two walked back up to the apartment.

"You better get your other small items before you leave..." You sighed, sitting on the couch. Armin sat down next to you.

"I'm there for you, (f/n), I know I was an asshole to you right when we met but you're actually a pretty cool person." Armin said.

"Thanks Armin...what if Eren never wakes up?" You ask.

"You asked me that millions of times (f/n), we can just hope for the best." Armin replied. You sighed and got up, walking to Eren's room. "See you in the morning." You got your pajamas on and went into his bed.

It was awkward sleeping in his bed without him. You tossed and turned all night just thinking about him. Even though he could be a little shit at times, he was still a great person. If he didn't wake up, he'd be homeless. Armin couldn't pay the rent while he's living in a frat house in England. You would be in America, with family and friends. How would you ever talk again? Both of your phones got destroyed in the crash, and if Armin didn't pay the rent they would confiscate all of the remaining items in the apartment. All these thoughts were going into your head, which made you so nervous about the future. You finally went to sleep at sunrise.

"Wake up (f/n), we've got a big day ahead of us." Armin said, waking you up at 7:00 sharp. You rubbed your eyes and walked to the bathroom. You took out your toothbrush and toothpaste.

After getting ready, you packed all of your bags, putting the remaining items in your backpack. You loaded your suitcase in the back of Armin's car, which barely had any room left, but it could fit. You jumped into the passenger seat.

"You wanna see Eren one last time?" Armin asked. How could you say no? But you had to. You couldn't miss your flight.

"I can't." You answered, sadly.

"That's okay. I'll drop you off at the airport, and I'll go see him." Armin said. After he dropped you off at the airport, he quickly drove to the hospital. He signed in and ran to the elevator. Armin was anxious to get off that crowded thing.

Armin walked into Eren's room. He sat down next to him on the bed.

"I really wish you could of got to see (f/n) one last time," Armin sighed, grabbing his hand. "And to see me go off to college. You're like my brother Eren, always there for me." Armin got up and was about to open the door.

"Armin?" A voice said. Armin turned around to see Eren sitting there, wide awake. "Where am I?" Eren took a quick glance around.

"Holy shit...(f/n) doesn't have a got shattered in the accident.." Armin muttered.

Luckily, you called Armin on a payphone with the last of your remaining money.

Armin felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. Unknown number. He shrugged and answered it.

"Where are you-"

"(F/n)! Come to the hospital quick!" Armin interrupted. You were confused at first why he wanted you to come, but you realized what just happened.

"I'll be there soon." You say, hanging up. Armin walked over to Eren.

"Where's (f/n)?" He asked.

"She's coming soon Eren," Armin said with a smile. "She's coming soon."



Damn son just dAMN!!

You knew it was coming xdd

Anyways, im updating on my friends phone, Thee_Knight_Of_Blood . I got my Ipod taken away for a long time, probably until the next school year. My parents found the fanfic and the lemon rip. When ever I get access to WiFi (i got all wifi taken away ;-;) I will write the next chapter, no matter how long it takes.

I will do anything to get my IPod back, just to update for all of you <3


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