Chapter Eight

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is too long, or too shitty. XD

Starbucks closed early, because everyone was talking about a blizzard coming.

"Damn, what if it's like this all month? I will never get to Germany." You say.

"Keep your hopes up (f/n), you'll get to Germany soon." Levi said, patting your back.

"Let's just get home before the blizzard hits." You say.

"Tch, you beileve that a blizzard will come?" Levi asked. You just nodded your head and drove back to the apartment. While you were driving through the city, you stopped at a grocery store to get more food.

You kept mumbling "oreos oreos oreos." until you found them. When you saw that oreos were half off, you knocked some into the cart.

"I should get some milk to, just for these oreos." You say. After you were done shopping, the total was $78.37.

"Have a nice day!" The cashier said. When you walked outside, a gust of cold wind blew into your face. You could feel the snow against your face.

"Better get home." You say, putting the groceries in the back seat. You carried all the stuff in with one trip, and you put all the food on the counter.

"What did you get?" Levi asked.

"Stuff we need." You say. He helped you put the groceries in the fridge and pantry.

"I'm bored, let's watch this shitty movie Petra gave me...she said it was a horror." Levi said.

"Sure thing, shorty." You say, ruffling his hair. He was only five foot three, which was short compared to you. Levi went back to the livingroom, and put the disk in. You followed him and sat on the couch. He sat right beside you, pressing the play button. Right when the movie was about to turn on, the room went pitch black. You quickly turn on your phone's flashlight.

"Dammit, a blackout, I guess we are just gonna wait until it passes over." You say, flashing the light on Levi.

"I guess a blizzard really is happening." He said, looking out the window. Snow was coming down hard, and there was about a foot of it on the ground already. He went back to the couch to sit next to you.

"What are we gonna do now?" He asked.

"I don't know, i'm just gonna go to sleep." You say, yawning. Once you fell asleep, you fell right into Levi's lap.

"Shit." Levi said to himself. He really didn't want you on his lap.

"Why at this moment?" He asked himself. Levi didn't want to wake you up, so he slowly pushed you off of his lap and ran to his bedroom.You got up a couple hours later to go to your actual bed. You couldn't talk to anyone, so you could save battery life on your phone. You just grabbed a flashlight and started to read some book Sasha gave you.

"Chapter One." You say. Right when you said that the power came back on. You looked at the clock. 9:30.

"Damn, it's pretty late." You say. Levi walked in and sat next to you.

"You wanna watch the movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure!" You say, smiling. You took Levi by the hand and ran to the couch.

"We can't really do anything but stay in here for a couple days." Levi said. There was about three feet of snow everywhere you looked.

"I. Hate. Winter." You say, glancing out the window.

"Me too, I never really had a fun time in the winter as a kid either, my mom said I would get extreme frost bite or something." He said.

"Wow, she's a dumb bitch." You say.

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